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Are There Holistic Addiction Treatment Programs in Ohio?

The word “holistic” is used in everyday life, but what does it mean in health? Holistic refers to an approach that factors in a patient’s physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. Holistic treatment options are becoming more prominent alternatives to traditional methods because of their benefits to patients recovering from addiction. Addiction is a global health problem that has taken the lives of many. According to the World Health Organization, 3 million deaths occur yearly due to alcohol abuse, and 35 million people are estimated to be affected by drug use disorders.

Although traditional addiction therapy has done well in the last few decades, holistic drug treatment offers a more comprehensive and direct approach to addressing the whole self. Therefore, teaching you coping skills gives you a more balanced healthy life. In this post, you will learn what holistic addiction treatment programs are, their benefits, and if they’re right for you.

Cedar Oaks Wellness Center is a Cincinnati drug and alcohol rehab that can offer comprehensive treatment options. Contact us today to learn more about available treatment options.

What Are Holistic Addiction Treatment Programs?

Holistic addiction treatment programs use a comprehensive and personalized approach to treating addiction. These programs strive to transform and heal the whole person by addressing an individual’s physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects that could trigger addiction. Holistic addiction therapy combines traditional and alternative therapies, such as psychotherapy, counseling, yoga, meditation and mindfulness, acupuncture, nutritional therapy, and exercise. Holistic programs help an individual overcome triggers and develop greater self-awareness and self-care.

Types of Holistic Addiction Treatment Programs

There are several holistic addiction treatment programs available in different rehab facilities. Not every rehab clinic offers all the various types available. Generally, they offer the following;


Yoga is a holistic practice that originated in ancient India. This exercise combines physical, mental, and spiritual practices to promote the individual’s overall well-being. Primarily, yoga unites the practice of physical postures (asanas), breathing techniques (pranayama), meditation, and mindfulness. They strengthen the body, mind, and spirit, helping to attain balance and promote physical health, mental clarity, and emotional stability.

Yoga reduces stress, anxiety, and the risk of relapse while helping the body relax. Other physical and mental health benefits of yoga include; improving flexibility and strength and boosting sleep quality.

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)

EMDR is an evidence-based treatment that eases trauma, anxiety, and depression symptoms. The practice helps the brain to heal from distressing experiences. When your stress response is activated due to these disturbing experiences, your body can’t differentiate between what’s happening now and in the past. This puts the body in survival mode, making it difficult to process your trauma and move past them.

EMDR works with the brain to train your mind and body to feel safe and deal with the stress associated with those distressful memories. During EMDR therapy, an EMDR specialist helps you pinpoint a traumatic event, discuss the negative beliefs around it, and the positive beliefs that could replace it. The specialist helps you to stay grounded in the present through rapid eye movements. This therapy typically runs for up to 12 sessions.

Mindfulness and Meditation

This practice focuses on helping individuals to stay in the present or be in the moment without being overwhelmed by emotions. Mindfulness helps you to develop a mindful awareness of your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. This treatment includes meditation, walking, and breathing exercises.

Meditation is the most prominent mindfulness practice. It allows you to focus on your breath, be aware of your thoughts, and return your focus to the breath. Meditation enables you to be curious about your thoughts without being judgemental. Meditation has been shown to reduce cravings and addiction triggers.


Drugs and alcohol can impact the brain’s reward center and lead to an imbalance in hormones, blood sugar, amino acids, etc. Cravings may intensify when the body has more nutritional deficiencies and hormonal imbalances. If you’re already undergoing some form of detox, the chances of relapsing will be high.

Nutrition-based treatment focuses on using diet to aid addiction recovery. The rehab program may do some laboratory tests to determine if you need a change of diet that may include vitamin and mineral supplements.


Regular exercise can enhance physical health, reduce stress, and improve overall well-being. Regarding addiction, exercises can reduce cravings, as they redirect the mind and body to focus on building mental strength, which helps in the fight against addiction. They also ease depression and anxiety symptoms, which may fuel addiction. Activities you can indulge in include; running, swimming, or yoga. You can also engage in weight training to build strength.

Art Therapy

Art therapy is an expressive therapy that can help individuals work through their emotions and feelings safely and creatively. Art therapy includes painting, sculpting, drawing, sculpture, or other forms of artistic expression.


Acupuncture is an old Chinese healing practice involving thin needles insertion into particular points on the body. The objective of this insertion is to stimulate healing. Acupuncture can help individuals manage physical pain and reduce anxiety and stress, which can contribute to addiction problems.

Nature-Based Treatment

Nature-based treatment programs typically entail spending time in natural environments, like parks or recreation spots. Nature-based programs help individuals connect with the natural world, which reduces stress, depression, and anxiety.

Is the Holistic Addiction Treatment Program Right for You?

A holistic addiction treatment program is suitable for those who have tried traditional addiction treatment in the past but found it ineffective and for those who seek individualized treatment. Holistic therapy can help patients develop coping skills and tools for long-term recovery.

Holistic addiction therapy is tailored to meet the needs and preferences of each individual. Summarily, if you are struggling with addiction, a holistic treatment program may be a good fit for you if:

  • You want a more comprehensive approach to addiction treatment that considers all aspects of your well-being.
  • You have tried traditional addiction treatments in the past but failed.
  • You are ready to commit to a longer-term treatment plan that may include ongoing therapy and support.

Ready to Get Help? Cedar Oaks Wellness Center is the Best Place to Be

At Cedar Oaks, we take a personalized approach to addiction treatment. When considering a treatment plan, we consider all aspects of human life, including the mental, physical, and emotional parts. Our experienced and compassionate medical team uses a combination of traditional and holistic addiction recovery treatments to find out what’s best for you.

Keeping You Informed

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