5778 State Route 350 Oregonia, OH 45054


Ohio Inpatient Drug Rehab

Residential Inpatient Treatment Center

Our inpatient drug rehab in Ohio is your best choice when seeking treatment for drug & alcohol abuse. Experience high-quality care in a residential setting on our beautiful campus in the heart of Ohio.

Top-Rated Drug Rehab in Ohio

Inpatient Drug Rehab Program in Ohio.

Innovative & Expert Treatment for Substance Abuse in Ohio.

When you’re ready to get help for drug addiction, you need a rehab option that fits your situation. A variety of options are available at Cedar Oaks, including several forms of outpatient care. However, the most extensive and intense help is provided in inpatient programs. For those most seriously affected by addiction, inpatient care is the accepted treatment standard. 

At Cedar Oaks Wellness Center, we feature comprehensive inpatient drug rehab in Ohio. Our customized services help you bring your substance use to an end. We also provide the support you need to stay substance-free and return to a stable daily routine. We use a balance of group, individual, and recreation therapy to help our clients heal.

Speak to Someone right now who's been in your shoes.

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Do I Need Inpatient rehab?

Do I Need


If you've tried to quit drugs or alcohol on your own and failed repeatedly, then an inpatient program might be right for you. Or if your life has become unmanageable because of drug or alcohol use—for example, if it affected your ability to work or caused other problems in your relationships—then a residential program could be helpful as well. In addition to providing physical withdrawal from substance use (or helping with mental health issues), inpatient rehab programs offer around-the-clock monitoring so that patients have access to medical care 24/7 and emotional support during this delicate time. The goal of these programs is always sobriety—but there are different approaches that may work better depending on an individual's situation; this will be discussed more below.

Expert Ohio Rehab Programs

Our Addiction
Treatment Programs.

Explore how our Ohio drug & alcohol detox can help you quit abusing drugs & alcohol in a safe & comfortable environment.

Our residential inpatient program in Ohio is dedicated to offering you a safe space where you can find long-term recovery & healing.

If you are looking for a partial hospitalization program in Ohio, Cedar Oaks Wellness Center can help with our partial day program.

We offer evidence-based medication-assisted treatment options at our residential retreat in Ohio at Cedar Oaks Wellness Center.

We offer alumni who complete our program lifetime aftercare services as well as access to our alumni app, Cedar Oaks Cares.


If you are ready to take action, our caring admissions team is standing by 24 hours a day, 7 days a week ready to help.

Inpatient Rehab Program in Ohio

What is an Inpatient Rehab Program?

Attending our inpatient drug rehab provides you with the highest level of addiction care. We feature 24/7 support from highly trained medical and mental health professionals in a live-in setting. In addition, you have access to peer support groups and other resources that help you learn from the experiences of others in a similar situation. Inpatient care is best for those who:

  • Need around-the-clock supervision, monitoring, or medication management
  • Want to focus solely on recovery and avoid any distractions
  • Need additional help addressing co-occurring disorders such as depression or anxiety
  • Have an unstable home life that makes outpatient recovery difficult or impossible

You may be a good candidate if you meet any of these criteria. Inpatient care may also be right for you if you’ve tried to quit drugs on your own and failed repeatedly. The same holds true if your drug use has made significant portions of your daily life unmanageable. 

Want more information on the inpatient approach to treatment? Learn more about our addiction treatment in Ohio.

the pros of residential treatment

What are the Benefits of
an Inpatient Rehab in Ohio?

Cedar Oaks is an inpatient drug rehab program in Ohio that provides you with the highest level of care. Our drug and alcohol addiction treatment offers 24/7 support from highly trained medical and mental health professionals, as well as peer support groups and other resources that enable you to learn from the experiences of others who have gone through similar situations.

Our inpatient program offers recreational therapy in addition to group and individual therapy. Recreational therapy can allow you to have fun in sobriety. Some examples of recreational outings that we offer are yoga, bowling, and zip lining.

outpatient vs. inpatient

What Is the Difference Between Outpatient and Inpatient Drug Rehab?

Outpatient rehab is the second main approach to drug treatment. It differs from inpatient rehab in two important ways. First, during inpatient drug rehab, you live at our treatment facility 24/7 while receiving care. In contrast, you live at home during outpatient rehab and visit our treatment facility as needed. 

Inpatient treatment also offers ongoing, all-day support and resources. The environment is safe and comfortable, so you can prioritize your recovery. While it’s effective in the right circumstances, outpatient rehab does not provide these benefits. 

Need a more detailed explanation of inpatient vs. outpatient care? Contact the professionals at Cedar Oaks Wellness Center for answers to all of your questions. Cedar Oaks Wellness is an Ohio drug and alcohol rehab ready to help you start your journey to healing.

Trusted, Licensed & Accredited

Proof We Can Help.

Save Your Life With a Single Phone Call...

Discover Your Journey to Freedom.

Call 1-866-902-2994 to learn more about our holistic approach to addiction treatment, or fill out our online form. We strive to meet each of our clients where they’re at in their recovery.

Quit Abusing Substances at our Ohio Residential Treatment Center

Why Does an
Inpatient Environment Breed Success?

For most people, inpatient drug rehab is best in the early stages of recovery. Inpatient treatment offers 24-hour support and resources that can help you overcome your addiction and cravings. The environment is safe and comfortable, so you can focus on your recovery without distractions or temptations. At this point, you are still in a fragile state where it’s important to remove yourself from the familiar surroundings that may trigger a relapse or cause stress.

At our treatment and drug detox center, our clients will have six hours of programming per day. This will consist of two hours of group therapy, two hours of recreation therapy, and two hours of psychoeducation. From this, our clients receive a well-rounded experience and can benefit from many therapies.

Detoxification * Residential Inpatient * Partial Hospitalization * Intensive Outpatient * Substance Abuse * Mental Health * Dual-Diagnosis *

Detoxification * Residential Inpatient * Partial Hospitalization * Intensive Outpatient * Substance Abuse * Mental Health * Dual-Diagnosis *

does inpatient rehab help?

What to Look for in an Inpatient Addiction Treatment Center

A quality inpatient addiction treatment center typically comes with certain must-have features. Specific features to look for in a well-designed program include:

  • Treatment options that meet the highest criteria for reliability and effectiveness
  • Plans that focus on treating your particular form of addiction
  • Doctors and therapists with extensive experience treating addiction
  • Supporting staff with the same level of training and expertise
  • A secure, stable treatment environment
  • Round-the-clock support for emergency situations

These are just some of the things to look for when choosing your inpatient provider. For a full list of the most important criteria, talk to the experts at Cedar Oaks today.

why choose our inpatient drug rehab in ohio?

Our Inpatient Rehab in
Ohio Can Change Your Life.

Inpatient drug rehab can save your life. If you’ve been struggling with addiction and need help, a residential drug rehab program in Ohio is the best way to get back on the right path. You will be paired up with a team of caring professionals who understand the struggles that you are facing, and they will work tirelessly to help you rebuild your life. Inpatient drug rehab in Ohio can help you stay sober after leaving treatment: it’s an invaluable tool for long-term recovery!

finding the right fit for you

The Importance of Finding The Right Inpatient Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Ohio

Inpatient drug rehab in Ohio is one of the most effective ways for you to recover from drug or alcohol problems. It allows you to get away from the stresses and distractions of everyday life in a safe environment where you can focus on getting better. But to receive these benefits, you must have access to treatment that fits your unique needs.

Why is this so important? First, not all substance problems are treated in the same way. If a rehab facility doesn’t treat your specific form of addiction, it can’t support your recovery. In addition, no two people affected by the same substance problem have the exact same needs. To truly help you, your treatment options must be customized to your specific circumstances.

Want to know more about the importance of finding customized rehab treatment? Cedar Oaks is standing by with the timely, accurate information you need.

Your Health Insurance Can Help Cover the Costs Of Treatment

We Work With Most Insurance

What We Offer at Our Ohio Treatment Center

How We Can Help.

It’s also important to know that one’s recovery is never finished, and that there will be temptations and triggers down the road. Our team is available to help you if you’re in danger of relapsing. We can help you understand your triggers and teach you techniques to use. Our relapse prevention services help clients identify their negative thoughts and develop comprehensive strategies that work for them.

Our Compassionate + Evidence-Based Program

Cedar Oaks Wellness is a Top-Rated Inpatient Drug Rehab in Ohio

Inpatient rehab is a vital resource for many people in need of addiction treatment. It provides support for recovery from even the most severe substance problems. An inpatient program can also help you overcome additional factors that have a bearing on addiction. 

For top-notch inpatient care in greater Cincinnati, turn to the addiction specialists at our drug rehab in Ohio. With our help, you can overcome the effects of any form of drug addiction. We provide the same level of customized support for those affected by alcoholism. To learn more about how we can help, call us today.

We Are Here to Help You Recover.

Let Us Walk
Alongside You.

Just like every person is different, so to is everyone’s journey of recovery. At our drug rehab in Ohio, we realize this, and work with you to take the first step wherever you are on your journey.

We have helped hundreds
of clients recover.

We have helped hundreds of clients recover.

One of the best experiences in my life.

“I felt really welcomed and was surrounded by supportive people. They went out of their way to help me reach my goals. Always had answers to my questions and if they didn't they would give their best answers."


I Was Met with Respect & Love That Never Stopped

“We were in a beautiful serene environment where I felt safe and was given such individualized treatment. Everything from therapy, exercise, nutrition, music therapy, excursions to prepare you for the reality of going back home."


They Taught Me How to Live

“They taught me how to live and enjoy life again. I will forever be grateful to Cedar Oaks for everything they did for me. I couldn’t have done this without them.”
