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Best Books About Addiction Recovery

Substance use disorder (SUD) is a complex disease that can impact all aspects of your life, from work and family to relationships. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one in seven American children (12 and older) have SUD. With SUD, you lose control over your life and the ability to make critical decisions. Even if you make decisions, it could be wrong because you may be under the influence of the substance. You lose focus and your thinking simultaneously. You need all the help to overcome this problem and regain control of your life.

Recovering from SUD is complex and personal but a long and challenging journey. It could get quite tiring due to various relapses along the way, especially with no help. One way to find help with this condition is through books. Whether you’re looking for practical advice or the success stories of others, you can always find a book to help. This post will walk you through some of the best books about addiction recovery.

Cedar Oaks Wellness Center is a Cincinnati drug and alcohol rehab center that can help. Contact us today to learn more about Ohio residential inpatient rehab.

Best Books About Addiction Recovery

As mentioned, books about recovery from addiction are abundant and can provide valuable insights into the science of addiction and recovery. Here are some of the best books for addiction recovery in no particular order;

1.     Clean: Overcoming Addiction and Ending America’s Greatest Tragedy – David Sheff

Sheff said it all in this eye-opening book. He addresses the myth associated with addiction and provides cutting-edge, science-based treatment solutions. Scientists and doctors inspired Sheff, and were further propelled to explore the field of psychology and neuroscience to write Clean.

2.     Integral Recovery – John Dupuy

This book offers a revolutionary approach to treating addiction, especially alcoholism. Although intense, it’s well-structured with great resources to help people with addiction recover. Families, friends, and medical professionals can read this book and learn about Dupuy’s holistic approaches to preventing relapse. The writer uses personal stories and examples from other addicts to explain the various aspects of addiction recovery.

3.     Mastering the Addicted Brain: Building a Sane and Meaningful Life to Stay Clean – Dr. Walter Ling

Dr. Walter Ling is a famous psychiatrist and neurologist who has worked with many people with substance use disorders. Her book is based on her discoveries about addiction and discussions with fellow doctors.

Dr. Ling understands that good intentions or wishful thinking aren’t enough to break free from addiction. He also states in the book how substance misuse patients have to fully understand addiction before being able to break away from it. The book details a stepwise and thorough guide to rebuilding a healthy life after substance misuse.

4.     Refuge Recovery: A Buddhist Path to Recovering from Addiction – Noah Levine

Refuge Recovery is another book that provides a unique insight into recovering from addiction. Written by a famous Buddhist teacher, this book is based on Buddha’s Four Noble Truths, which is meticulously curated into an approach to help with SUD recovery. While most 12-step programs emphasize external powers and religious tenets to help with recovery, this book uses scientific and non-theistic guidelines to aid recovery.

Understanding addiction as cravings, Levine suggests using meditative awareness to eliminate those desires. Refuge Recovery is practical and designed for anyone who wants to try the non-theistic approach.

5.     Rewired: A Bold New Approach to Addiction and Recovery – Erica Spiegelman

Spiegelman’s Rewired provides a whole new approach to fighting substance use disorder. First, the writer emphasizes acknowledging damaging behaviors and relying on inner power to rediscover oneself. Second, the writer recommends loving and being compassionate with oneself to get through addiction. It’s only by love that one can self-heal. The book has 12 chapters, each addressing a distinct aspect of recovery.

Is Reading Books About Addiction Recovery Enough?

Reading books about recovering from addiction can provide insights and motivation. They give addiction and recovery from various points of view. While these books can be quite handy in helping with substance abuse, they aren’t direct substitutes for medical treatment. If you or someone you know is battling substance abuse, seeking medical assistance or support is the best decision.

The medical staff at Cedar Oaks Wellness Center is experienced and can help you get through addiction. We tailor the treatment according to the patient’s needs because we know that substance abuse treatment differs from one individual to another. The treatment options range from detoxification and medication to behavioral therapy. 

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