5778 State Route 350 Oregonia, OH 45054


Assistant Executive Chef

Carmen Glancy

Carmen Glancy

Assistant Executive Chef

My name is Carmen Glancy. I’m a 48-year-old mother of 3, grandmother of four, and owned by 2 cats and 2 fish. I first became a food service specialist at age 18, certified and trained by the US Army in Ft. Jackson, South Carolina. In 2002, I served in Operation Enduring Freedom where I spent 6 months at a location in Pakistan, belonging to 101 Airborne, out of Ft. Campbell, Kentucky. There, I prepped and provided meals to our soldiers who were fighting terrorists and providing humanitarian aid to the stricken community. I continued my career in food service, gaining experience in several dining atmospheres, gathering a wealth of skills and experience, from the ground up to chef de cuisine, chef garde manger, and sous chef. Most of my career has been spent in American fare, but a close second is Italian Cuisine, which I really enjoy! Currently, I am pursuing a certification in Diet, Nutrition, and Health Science, getting on a deeper level on important nutritional goals for wellness, pinpointing ways to speed up recovery, detox, and emphasis on repairing and restoring optimal function for client success.

I have been a member of AA since November 2019. The steps and the traditions work for me and work me at the same time, every day. What I do with my time and who I do it for has to matter, and being your sous chef does. 

Aside from working and studying, I have been known to pick up a guitar once or twice. I thoroughly enjoy the company of the outdoors, doing some fishing and camping. I also like to grow herbs and vegetables, attend a live music show or Reds’ game once in a while, and spend time relaxing with my two cats. I have been told I’m a good listener with a great sense of humor. I strive to find the good side to everything nowadays, and there is a lot here to see lately!​

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“Many of the things that seem impossible now, will become realities tomorrow.”

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