5778 State Route 350 Oregonia, OH 45054


Addiction Treatment in Findlay, Ohio

Findlay Drug & Alcohol Rehab

Looking for a drug & alcohol rehab in Findlay, OH? Let us help. Cedar Oaks Wellness offers high-quality addiction treatment designed around your personal needs when seeking help for substance abuse and mental illness.
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Drug Rehab in Findlay, Ohio

Substance problems affect significant numbers of people in Findlay, Ohio, just as they do in virtually every other U.S. community. In the 21st century, there are effective ways to recover from these problems. But to receive the best possible care, you must enroll in an appropriate treatment program.

Modern rehab provides a complete array of resources for anyone seeking to break free from addiction. You can find these kinds of resources at Cedar Oaks Wellness Center’s Findlay addiction recovery center. Our addiction treatment services in Ohio provide you with everything you need to halt your substance use and maintain your ongoing abstinence.

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Addiction Facts and Statistics in Findlay , Ohio

addiction in

Findlay, Ohio

People from all walks of life develop substance problems in the Findlay region. Those affected include: Both men and women People who only graduated from high school and people who went to college Individuals from low-, average-, and high-income households Essentially all common substances of abuse can be obtained locally. Everyone affected by problems related to these substances shares one key thing in common. In time, they can recover if they enroll in professional treatment conducted by addiction experts.

Find the best treatment options for you

Midwest Addiction
Treatment Options.

Explore trusted treatment options in Columbus, Ohio and find your individual options for treatment today.

Find expert addiction & mental health treatment options in Dayton, Ohio and get the help you need – no matter what.

If you are looking for a treatment center in Indianapolis, let Cedar Oaks Wellness Center help you find treatment designed for you. 


What to Look For in a Findlay Drug and Alcohol Rehab

What should you look for in a truly professional Findlay drug and alcohol rehab center? A variety of features help indicate a quality facility that meets modern standards. Specific services available in a full-spectrum provider include:

Medical detox at an alcohol and drug rehab in Findlay is the first phase in your eventual recovery. In detox, you take the all-important step of stopping your current substance use. When you do this, the substances already in your bloodstream will be eliminated. 

Detox helps you cope with any withdrawal symptoms that occur when your blood levels of drugs or alcohol drop. It also protects you from any potential health setbacks related to the withdrawal process.

Not all rehab facilities provide onsite detox services.  At Cedar Oaks, we provide a specialized Findlay detox center for multiple forms of addictive substances. 

Detox should always be followed by some kind of primary addiction treatment. The highest level of care available is a residential inpatient program. Programs of this type support your recovery from extensive, severe problems with drugs or alcohol. To achieve this goal, they operate round-the-clock and require you to live onsite.

Residential care is effective for so many people because it provides the time and resources needed to treat severe addiction. The number one resource used at all levels of addiction treatment is psychotherapy. Types of therapy with a proven track record of usefulness include:

  • Individual therapy
  • Group therapy
  • Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT)
  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)
  • Psychodynamic therapy
  • Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT)

You may receive therapy by itself or alongside a suitable medication.

Cedar Oaks features comprehensive residential addiction services—every day, we help provide a realistic road to recovery from even the most advanced forms of addiction. 

A Findlay addiction treatment center should also offer outpatient programs. That’s true because not everyone needs inpatient treatment to regain and maintain their sobriety. For many people, a PHP is a better fit. This may be true for you if you have moderate-to-severe addiction symptoms. 

In partial hospitalization, you spend your weekdays receiving treatment at your facility. In the evening and on weekends, you’re free to follow your daily functional routine. All enrolled participants undergo weekly treatment for at least 20 total hours. This is sufficient time to help you:

  • Stabilize your mental and physical health
  • Get help overseeing and managing your addiction symptoms 
  • Make progress in your overall sobriety efforts

Cedar Oaks’ full-service PHP supports the achievement of each of these essential goals.

Many people in need of drug rehab in Findlay are affected by opioid addiction. Alcohol addiction is also common. Medication plays an especially prominent role in the treatment of these kinds of substance problems. The term used to describe the help you receive is medication-assisted treatment (MAT).

Whether it focuses on opioid or alcohol addiction, MAT relies on the use of certain approved medications. Some of these medications are used to support both opioid and alcohol recovery. However, most of them are only used for one purpose or the other. In all cases, MAT also relies on the additional use of suitable psychotherapy.

Looking for a trusted MAT provider in greater Findlay? Cedar Oaks specializes in this state-of-the-art treatment option.

Even the most effective rehab program must deal with an inevitable reality. Namely, addiction recovery is an ongoing process that continues after treatment ends. For this reason, top rehab providers include aftercare and alumni programs among their many services. 

Aftercare or continuing care programs ensure that you retain your access to any needed treatment resources. Alumni programs make it easy for you to create and maintain a supportive network of peers also focusing on long-term recovery. Both types of programs can significantly boost your odds of staying substance-free over the weeks, months, and years ahead. 

When you seek treatment at Cedar Oaks, you gain access to our highly regarded aftercare and alumni services. In turn, you take an important step toward keeping your ongoing recovery on track.



Seeking Admission to Rehab

To start substance rehab in Findlay or anyplace else, you must go through an admissions process. This process helps ensure that you truly get the help you need. However, when you first get started, it can seem daunting and overwhelming. A high-quality provider will feature a transparent admissions process that helps put you at ease. They will also do everything they can to smooth your transition into treatment.

Cedar Oaks is committed to helping as many people as possible get the treatment they need. To that end, we emphasize a straightforward path to program admissions. 

We have helped hundreds
of clients recover.

We have helped hundreds of clients recover.

One of the best experiences in my life.

“I felt really welcomed and was surrounded by supportive people. They went out of their way to help me reach my goals. Always had answers to my questions and if they didn't they would give their best answers."


I Was Met with Respect & Love That Never Stopped

“We were in a beautiful serene environment where I felt safe and was given such individualized treatment. Everything from therapy, exercise, nutrition, music therapy, excursions to prepare you for the reality of going back home. Also importantly our security”


They Taught Me How to Live

“They taught me how to live and enjoy life again. I will forever be grateful to Cedar Oaks for everything they did for me. I couldn’t have done this without them.”

Save Your Life With a Single Phone Call...

Discover Your Journey to Freedom.

Call 1-866-902-2994 to learn more about our holistic approach to addiction treatment, or fill out our online form. We strive to meet each of our clients where they’re at in their recovery.

Detoxification * Residential Inpatient * Partial Hospitalization * Intensive Outpatient * Substance Abuse * Mental Health * Dual-Diagnosis *

Detoxification * Residential Inpatient * Partial Hospitalization * Intensive Outpatient * Substance Abuse * Mental Health * Dual-Diagnosis *

Your recovery begins with a simple phone call. Call our Cincinnati team at 1-866-902-2994 – we can take care of the rest so you can concentrate on healing.


How Cedar Oaks’ Drug Treatment Center Near Findlay Can Help

Cedar Oaks Wellness Center is a premier provider of alcohol and drug rehab in Findlay. No matter your needs, you can take advantage of our extensive recovery resources. Those resources include a full range of therapy and medication options. They also include additional forms of support for your short- and long-term sobriety. Specific examples of these additional services include:

  • Nutrition therapy
  • Equine therapy
  • Family therapy
  • Art therapy

In addition, Cedar Oaks supports recovery from co-occurring disorders. This is the name for any added mental health issues that occur alongside a drug or alcohol problem. Whether you’re affected by depression, bipolar disorder, PTSD, or an anxiety disorder, our customized treatment plans can help. 

What’s more, Cedar Oaks features well-designed aftercare and alumni programs. You can use our aftercare services to stay in touch with our staff of onsite professionals. You can also use them to seek a referral for other forms of recovery support. In our alumni program, you not only have the chance to forge supportive connections with others who have completed treatment, but you can also provide important support for those still enrolled in one of our rehab programs. 

Your Health Insurance Can Help Cover the Costs Of Treatment

We Work With Most Insurance


Get Help at Our Drug and Alcohol Rehab Near Findlay Today.

No matter the form of addiction affecting you, there are treatment options known to benefit most people. By taking advantage of these options, you can halt your current exposure to the numerous harms of active addiction. You can also significantly reduce your chances of experiencing future problems with drugs or alcohol.

Cedar Oaks Wellness Center is dedicated to your success in Findlay-area detox, rehab and aftercare. We uphold the highest standards for quality and effectiveness. Whatever your needs, we’ll help you meet them as you gradually restore your everyday sense of wellness. That’s true even if you ultimately turn to another service provider. To start your journey, just contact us today to learn more about our inpatient drug rehab in Ohio

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Trusted, Licensed & Accredited

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