5778 State Route 350 Oregonia, OH 45054


What is Aftercare in Addiction Treatment?

A lot of people struggle with drug and alcohol addiction. According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 19.7 million American adults struggled with substance use, and one out of every eight adults battled alcohol and drug disorders in 2017. Addiction is chronic, but it’s treatable like all chronic illnesses. However, patients must continue their recovery after finishing their treatment program to maintain sobriety. This is where aftercare comes in.

Aftercare in addiction treatment is a crucial phase of recovery. It’s more important than you think. Some patients neglect this phase after undergoing a high level of treatment, claiming they feel alright. In reality, it’s just for the moment. Avoiding aftercare may give room for a relapse, and when this happens, you risk starting your treatment plan from scratch. This post will discuss the meaning of aftercare and why it’s vital in addiction treatment.

Cedar Oaks Wellness Center is a comprehensive Cincinnati drug and alcohol rehab center that can help you during the recovery process. Contact us today to learn more about Cincinnati addiction treatment programs.

What is Aftercare in Addiction Treatment?

Aftercare in addiction treatment is the treatment phase that comes after the patient is done with their higher-level treatment. It usually follows the inpatient treatment program. Aftercare is the collective support given to outgoing patients during their early recovery to help them prevent relapse as they work to get back to the real world.

If treatment centers discharged people without ongoing support as soon as they were done with their treatment program, relapse rates would skyrocket. Aftercare doesn’t cure substance addiction. Instead, it conditions the brain to reject drugs and alcohol. Aftercare shows the patients that they aren’t making the transition into everyday life alone, which is helpful.

Why is Aftercare Important?

The importance of aftercare can’t be overemphasized. Addiction treatment is crucial in building a drug and alcohol-free life. In this phase is therapy, you learn coping skills and other essential things to help in relapse prevention. Treatment facilities provide the right environment to stay sober, with support from your fellow peers and staff.

However, the actual test of recovery starts when you graduate from the rehab program and leave the facility. It’s easy to say no to substance abuse when you are in a place geared toward teaching patients to do so. Will you be able to make the same affirmations when you return to the everyday environment? That’s an entirely new challenge most people recovering from substance abuse aren’t prepared to face yet.

That’s why aftercare in addiction treatment is important. Aftercare programs serve as a transitional phase to the real world. It is a step down from the intensive treatment program but prepares you to return to your daily life. The ultimate aim of aftercare is to help outgoing patients use the tools they have learned during treatment to prevent slipping back into addiction. Your life will improve significantly after leaving the treatment center if you follow through on your aftercare program.

What Are the Different Types of Aftercare?

Since drug addiction recovery varies, aftercare programs are tailored to the individual patient’s needs.

The 12-step program is often done in an anonymous group where a team of doctors supervises them. These groups provide a supportive environment for those in recovery. They give people access to confidential settings where patients can develop more coping skills.

Outpatient treatment programs are more serious than the 12-step program. Rather than deal with the patients in groups, they offer tailored support to suit the individual’s needs. Depending on the severity of the addiction, this program may start immediately after detoxification or withdrawal.

Outpatient programs give patients in recovery access to counseling and personalized therapy sessions with experts.

Both aftercare programs allow you to work with a counselor or case manager in creating an aftercare plan.

How to Find Aftercare Programs in Cincinnati

Aftercare programs ensure a complete recovery from addiction. In addition, they give patients access to resources, such as career counseling, advice, support, etc. People who recover from addiction often struggle to find jobs and secure affordable housing, so you mustn’t skip aftercare programs.

Are you still struggling to stay sober after leaving your treatment facility? Do you feel the aftercare program in your facility isn’t as helpful as you thought? Cedar Oak Wellness Center has one of the best aftercare programs you can enroll in. Located in a mix of forest and open space in Cincinnati, Cedar Oaks Wellness Center offers individualized treatment programs and 12-step programs for patients still struggling with addiction.

Cedar Oaks Wellness Center understands that maintaining sobriety demands patience and self-love, which is what our aftercare programs teach. Our dedicated team ensures that patients who have completed regular treatment get the support they need to face life challenges.Contact us today! We are here to help on your journey to healing and recovery.