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What Are the Physical Symptoms of Chronic Alcohol Abuse?

Alcohol is widely consumed in several parts of the world. It holds a crucial role in social engagement for men, while many others take it just for chills. Despite its availability, it could be life-threatening when consumed excessively on a single occasion or over time. This is called chronic alcohol abuse. According to Our world in data, global alcohol consumption causes roughly 2.8 million premature deaths yearly. When you realize it’s a substance you can’t do without, that’s a sign that you need some help.

Unfortunately, some people might not know when they go through this situation. This is true for those who use alcohol as a coping mechanism for anxiety and depression. Affected individuals assume that alcohol is the best treatment they could have to reduce their anxiety and depression. However, in reality, they harm their bodies and mental health more.

What are the effects of alcohol on the body and physical symptoms of chronic alcohol abuse, and how can you find help? Read on to find out your answers.

Cedar Oaks Wellness is a Cincinnati drug and alcohol rehab center that can help you overcome addiction.

How Does Alcohol Affect the Body?

Alcohol wields a massive influence on the brain and other systems in the body. After downing the first glass, you may not feel the effect, but your body will react to subsequent glasses. And if you become a heavy drinker, imagine the suffering your body will be subjected to. Consuming alcohol in large quantities leads to disruptions in the immune, skeletal, reproductive, circulatory, digestive, and CNS.

Typically, the body tries to excrete alcohol. If you drink more than required, the body cannot process it. It begins to build in your bloodstream and is transported to all the body systems, including the brain. This causes excitement, numbness, and several health problems like cirrhosis, stroke, and high blood pressure. This is never a good feeling because you could do something at that point that could have adverse consequences.

Alcohol slows down the immune system, reducing its power to fight off germs and viruses. Heavy drinkers may become susceptible to illnesses like pneumonia and risk cancer. In the skeletal system, alcohol inhibits the growth of new bones and causes muscle spasms. The reproductive system is also not free from alcohol, as excessive intake can cause erectile dysfunction in men and menstruation problems in women. It also increases the risk of breast cancer.

In the circulatory system, alcohol abuse can lead to heart problems, while it can cause intestinal damage, gastritis, gum diseases, and esophageal ulcers in the digestive system. As mentioned, alcohol affects the brain and the CNS. It disrupts the brain’s communication pathways and behavioral processes, affecting speech, coordination, and memory ability, which is why most heavy drinkers blackout.

What are the Physical Symptoms of Chronic Alcohol Abuse?

National Survey on Drug Use and Health estimates that over 14 million adults in the U.S. struggle with alcoholism, and most don’t know they are addicts. Recognizing the symptoms of alcoholism is crucial to treating it. Chronic alcohol abusers exhibit symptoms that indicate their health is in jeopardy. Some symptoms are noticeable to others even before the abuser recognizes them.

Though the signs vary from one individual to the next, affected individuals show the following physical symptoms of chronic alcohol abuse:

  • Uncontrollable cravings
  • Unkempt appearance. Many alcohol abusers don’t care about their looks or may completely forget to take a shower sometimes.
  • Trembling, which happens when the abuser doesn’t have alcohol in their system
  • High tolerance for alcohol intake. You don’t have the power to stop drinking.
  • Continued drinking despite knowing the health implications
  • Vomiting
  • Body pains and headaches
  • Tiredness
  • Irritability, which the abuser experiences when they haven’t drunk alcohol
  • Dehydration
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Blackouts or memory loss

How to Find a Comprehensive Alcohol Treatment Program in Cincinnati

Heavy drinking causes dependency that may have grave withdrawal effects. It affects the quality of life and relationships. The good news is help is available, and you can overcome alcohol addiction. If you live in Cincinnati or know someone experiencing any of the above physical signs of alcoholism, you can reach out to Cedar Oaks Wellness Center.

Located outside metro Cincinnati, Cedar Oaks Wellness Center is a state-of-the-art facility that caters to individuals battling with alcoholism. Our rehab center is a place to heal and guide affected individuals to recovery. With our dedicated and experienced team, we offer personalized treatment programs, such as detox and residential inpatient, for patients struggling with abuse. Above all, we treat our patients with respect and love and commit to ensuring they cross the finish line. Your journey to recovery starts with us! Get help right now by contacting us today! Your mental health and well-being are of the utmost importance to us!

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