Cedar Oaks Wellness is not your typical rehab center. Our Ohio addiction & mental health treatment center utilizes a holistic approach, meaning that rather than simply treating the problem, we treat the person. Just as no two people are the same, neither are their addictions.
Our rehab center recognizes addiction and mental health as a chronic diseases that impacts the brain and results in toxic habits and behavior patterns. There are countless factors that can lead to addiction and mental health. Some people begin using alcohol or drugs as a result of peer pressure, while others turn to drugs to cope with trauma or mental conditions. Many people are exposed to alcohol at a young age and have family members who struggle with addiction. One common factor that many people share, however, is that once they develop a physical and psychological dependence on drugs or alcohol, they often lose control of their lives.
Explore how our Ohio drug & alcohol detox can help you quit abusing drugs & alcohol in a safe & comfortable environment.
Our residential inpatient program in Ohio is dedicated to offering you a safe space where you can find long-term recovery & healing.
We offer alumni who complete our program lifetime aftercare services as well as access to our alumni app, Cedar Oaks Cares.
Just like every person is different, so to is everyone’s journey of recovery. At Cedar Oaks Wellness Center we realize this, and work with you to take the first step wherever you are on your journey.