5778 State Route 350 Oregonia, OH 45054


Unveiling the Daily Echoes: How Unresolved Trauma Manifests in Everyday Life

Unresolved trauma is like a shadow, subtly influencing how unresolved trauma shows up in everyday life, from physical and emotional reactions to subtle, insidious behaviors that can disrupt daily routines. It’s an attempt to forget or suppress traumatic events, affecting everyone differently, causing mental and physical difficulties that echo through your life. This underscores the importance of understanding unresolved childhood trauma in adults and seeking solutions on how to deal with unresolved trauma.

Addressing unresolved trauma is crucial for personal growth and healthy relationships. Cedar Oaks Wellness offers support for those ready to start the healing process, emphasizing the significance of Trauma-Informed Care (TIC) for a holistic recovery journey. This article navigates the manifestation of unresolved trauma, strategies for identification, and the pathway to healing, laying a foundation for taking pivotal steps towards wellness.

Common Symptoms of Unresolved Trauma

Unresolved trauma can manifest in various ways that subtly or significantly impact daily life. Recognizing these symptoms is the first step toward healing, which Cedar Oaks Wellness Center supports through its dedicated programs. Here’s a detailed look at some common symptoms:

Psychological Symptoms

  1. Hypervigilance: Constantly being on alert, expecting danger.
  2. Dissociation: Feeling numb or detached from reality.
  3. Intrusive Thoughts: Recurrent, unwanted thoughts of the traumatic event.
  4. Emotional Dysregulation: Difficulty in managing and expressing emotions appropriately.
  5. Low Self-Esteem: Persistent feelings of worthlessness or inadequacy.
  6. Depression and Anxiety: Prolonged sadness or excessive worry not tied to any specific cause.

Physical Symptoms

  1. Sleep Disturbances: Insomnia, nightmares, or disrupted sleep patterns.
  2. Neurological Distress: Headaches, dizziness, or impaired concentration.
  3. Gastrointestinal Issues: Nausea, IBS, or appetite changes.
  4. Muscle Tension: Stiffness, pain, or somatic complaints related to stress.
  5. Cardiovascular Strain: Elevated heart rate or chest pain.

Behavioral Symptoms

  1. Avoidance: Steering clear of places, people, or activities linked to the trauma.
  2. Social Withdrawal: Isolating oneself and reducing social interactions.
  3. Substance Misuse: Using alcohol or drugs to cope with emotional pain.
  4. Impulsive or Self-Destructive Behavior: Engaging in risky activities without consideration of consequences.

Understanding these symptoms can guide those affected towards seeking appropriate help, such as the supportive environment provided by Cedar Oaks Wellness Center, designed to address and manage the complexities of unresolved trauma.

The Impact of Unresolved Trauma on Relationships and Personal Growth

Unresolved trauma can profoundly affect personal development and relationships, often manifesting in ways that might not be immediately apparent. It can alter one’s perception of themselves and others, leading to significant challenges in forming and maintaining healthy relationships. Here’s how unresolved trauma can impact your life:

Inability to Trust

  1. Trust Issues: The foundation of any relationship is trust. Unresolved trauma can make you skeptical, preventing you from fully trusting others, which can isolate you and hinder the development of new relationships.

Intimacy Troubles

  1. Fear of Intimacy: Trauma can lead to difficulties in forming close emotional connections with others, often out of fear of being hurt or betrayed again. This can result in shallow relationships that lack emotional depth.

Irrational Fears

  1. Heightened Fears: Trauma can cause you to perceive threats where there are none, leading to irrational fears that can dominate your thoughts and prevent you from engaging in normal activities or forming relationships.

Lack of Motivation

  1. Reduced Motivation: The overwhelming nature of unresolved trauma can drain your energy and motivation, making it difficult to pursue personal goals or invest in relationships.


  1. Emotional Sensitivity: Being hyper-alert to emotional changes in others can make you prone to overreacting to minor issues, complicating communications and relationships.

Behavioral and Emotional Changes

  • Emotional Withdrawal: You might find yourself pulling away emotionally from loved ones, leading to a sense of isolation.
  • Avoidance: Avoiding situations that remind you of past trauma can limit your life experiences and lead to missed opportunities in both personal and professional spheres.
  • Anger and Frustration: Unresolved trauma can result in unexpected bursts of anger, causing conflicts and straining relationships.

Personal Growth Stagnation

  • Self-Identity Confusion: Trauma can leave you questioning your worth and abilities, stalling personal growth and self-improvement efforts.
  • Impact on Mental Health: Persistent unresolved trauma can lead to depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues, further affecting your personal development.

Addressing and healing from trauma is crucial for restoring function and enhancing quality of life. Engaging in therapeutic practices, like those offered at Cedar Oaks Wellness, can help you reconnect with your inner self, improve your relationships, and reclaim your life from the shadows of past trauma.

Strategies for Identifying Unresolved Trauma in Your Life

Recognizing unresolved trauma is the first step to healing. Here are effective strategies to help identify unresolved trauma in your life:

1. Evaluate Persistent Anxiety

If you constantly feel anxious without a clear cause, it might be a sign of unresolved trauma. Reflect on whether your anxiety could be rooted in past traumatic experiences.

2. Mindfulness and Self-Help Techniques

Practice mindfulness to become more aware of your emotional state. Techniques like journaling or engaging in regular physical activity can also help you connect with your feelings and identify trauma-related anxiety.

3. Notice Patterns in Behavior

Pay attention to recurring patterns in your relationships and self-beliefs. These can often be influenced by past traumas, shaping how you interact with others and view yourself.

4. Grounding Techniques

Use grounding techniques such as deep breathing exercises to manage immediate trauma responses and stay present in the moment.

5. Professional Assessment

Consider a professional evaluation by a clinician trained in trauma-informed care. They can help diagnose PTSD or other trauma-related disorders through a detailed assessment of your symptoms and history.

6. Explore Trauma-Informed Therapies

Engage in therapies known for treating trauma, such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), or specific trauma-focused therapies like Trauma-Focused CBT.

7. Body-Centered Therapies

Consider somatic therapy, dance and movement therapy, or Trauma Release Exercises (TRE) to help release trauma stored in the body.

8. Medication

Discuss with a healthcare provider the possibility of using medications like antidepressants or anti-anxiety medications to alleviate symptoms related to unresolved trauma.

9. Coping Mechanisms

Adopt coping mechanisms such as prioritizing self-care, practicing mindfulness, and utilizing grounding exercises to manage the impact of trauma on your daily life.

10. Social Support

Join support groups or seek communities that offer shared experiences and mutual understanding, which can be incredibly healing.

By integrating these strategies into your life, you can begin to uncover and address the roots of unresolved trauma, paving the way for recovery and personal growth. Cedar Oaks Wellness, with its dedicated programs, supports individuals through this journey, ensuring a compassionate and effective healing process.

Seeking Help and Starting the Healing Process at Ceder Oaks Wellness

At Ceder Oaks Wellness Center, located in the serene environment of Oregonia, Ohio, individuals grappling with unresolved trauma and PTSD find a sanctuary for recovery. The center, nestled at 5778 State Route 350, is equipped with comprehensive treatment programs tailored to address the unique needs of each client. Here, the journey towards healing begins with a detailed assessment by skilled clinicians who specialize in trauma-related issues.

Comprehensive Treatment Options

  1. Detoxification and Residential Inpatient Programs: These programs provide a structured environment for detox and recovery, ensuring safety and support throughout the process.
  2. Partial Hospitalization and Mental Health Services: For those needing continued support, these services offer therapeutic interventions without full-time hospitalization.
  3. Substance Abuse Treatment: Tailored programs to address the dual diagnosis of addiction and trauma, helping clients to recover holistically.

Experienced Professionals and Therapeutic Modalities

  • The staff at Ceder Oaks includes experts trained in a variety of therapeutic techniques essential for trauma recovery:
    • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): Helps in restructuring negative thought patterns.
    • Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR): Aims to reduce distress associated with traumatic memories.
    • Trauma-Informed Therapy: Focuses on understanding past trauma and its role in current situations.

A Supportive Community in a Healing Environment

Ceder Oaks is not just about treatments and therapies; it is about building a community that supports each other. The center fosters a healing environment that helps individuals recognize and manage PTSD triggers through:

  • Mindfulness and Grounding Techniques: Tools to stay present and reduce feelings of anxiety.
  • Developing a Support Network: Encouraging connections with others who understand and share similar experiences.
  • Implementing Self-Care Practices: Teaching the importance of self-care in managing stress and improving overall well-being.

Personalized Care and Luxurious Amenities

Every client at Ceder Oaks receives a customized treatment plan designed to meet their specific needs and goals. The luxurious setting of the center, spread over 120 acres, provides modern amenities that enhance the comfort and effectiveness of the healing process.

Ceder Oaks Wellness Center is dedicated to empowering its clients, providing them with the tools and support necessary to navigate their recovery journey. By addressing unresolved trauma in a secure and caring setting, the center helps individuals move towards a healthier and more fulfilling life.


Navigating through the complexities of unresolved trauma reveals the profound impact it has on personal growth and relationships, a journey that starts with identifying its markers and seeks resolution through therapeutic interventions. Cedar Oaks Wellness Center stands as a beacon of hope and healing for those embarking on this path, offering a comprehensive suite of treatments that cater to the individual’s needs. Through understanding the manifestations of unresolved trauma, from psychological and physical symptoms to behavioral changes, individuals are empowered to take the first steps towards healing, supported by the expertise and compassionate care provided at Cedar Oaks.

The significance of addressing unresolved trauma cannot be overstated, with its potential to shape lives and relationships in profound ways. The journey toward recovery is personalized and supported at Cedar Oaks Wellness Center, where healing is approached holistically. This sanctuary offers not just treatment but a community and an environment conducive to recovery and growth. Embracing therapeutic practices and the supportive network provided can illuminate the path to reclaiming a life unhindered by the shadows of past traumas, underscoring the importance of seeking help and embracing the possibility of a fulfilled, healthier future.

Building Coping Skills for PTSD Triggers

Dealing with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a challenging journey marked by moments of progress interspersed with instances of struggle, particularly when encountering triggers. Triggers are specific stimuli that evoke memories of trauma, leading to intense emotional and physical responses. Building coping skills to manage these triggers is essential for those navigating the path to recovery from PTSD. This blog explores practical strategies for developing these skills and highlights how Cedar Oaks Wellness Center in Ohio offers a supportive environment tailored to aid in this healing process.

Understanding PTSD and Its Triggers

PTSD is a mental health condition that can develop after experiencing or witnessing a traumatic event. Symptoms can include flashbacks, nightmares, severe anxiety, and uncontrollable thoughts about the event. Triggers can be anything that reminds the individual of their trauma, ranging from certain smells and sounds to dates or places.

Building Coping Skills for PTSD Triggers

Developing effective coping skills is crucial for individuals with PTSD to manage their responses to triggers and lead a healthier life. Here are some strategies:

1. Recognize and Acknowledge Your Triggers

The first step in managing PTSD triggers is identifying them. Keeping a journal can be a helpful way to track triggers and reactions over time. Awareness allows you to prepare and strategize how to cope with these triggers when they arise.

2. Practice Mindfulness and Grounding Techniques

Mindfulness practices can help keep you anchored in the present moment, reducing the intensity of the trigger response. Techniques such as focused breathing, meditation, and mindfulness can be invaluable tools. Grounding techniques, such as holding a cold ice cube, touching a textured object, or naming objects around you, can also help divert your mind away from distressing memories and sensations.

3. Develop a Support Network

Having a reliable support network, including friends, family, and support groups, can provide a sense of safety and belonging. Sharing experiences with others who understand what you’re going through can be incredibly healing and can offer practical advice for managing triggers.

4. Implement Self-Care Practices

Engaging in regular self-care activities can enhance your overall well-being and resilience against PTSD symptoms. This can include physical activities like exercise, creative outlets such as art or writing, and ensuring you have regular, restful sleep.

5. Learn and Practice Relaxation Techniques

Techniques such as deep breathing exercises, progressive muscle relaxation, or guided imagery can help reduce the physiological responses triggered by PTSD. These practices can be especially helpful in managing anxiety and panic symptoms that can arise from triggers.

6. Set Healthy Boundaries

Setting boundaries with people and situations that exacerbate your PTSD symptoms is crucial. This might mean limiting exposure to stressful environments or communicating your needs to others, so they understand how best to support you.

7. Seek Professional Help

Working with a therapist who specializes in trauma and PTSD can provide you with tailored coping strategies and support. Therapy modalities such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), and others have been shown to be effective in treating PTSD.

How Cedar Oaks Wellness Center Can Help

Cedar Oaks Wellness Center, located in the serene landscape of Ohio, offers a comprehensive mental health program specifically designed for individuals dealing with PTSD and other mental health challenges. Here’s how Cedar Oaks stands out in providing support:

Tailored Treatment Plans

Understanding that each journey is unique, Cedar Oaks offers personalized treatment plans that address the specific needs and goals of each individual. Their holistic approach ensures that both the symptoms and root causes of PTSD are addressed.

Experienced Professionals

The staff at Cedar Oaks consists of highly qualified professionals experienced in treating PTSD and trauma-related issues. Their compassionate and empathetic approach creates a safe space for individuals to explore and understand their triggers and learn effective coping strategies.

A Range of Therapeutic Modalities

Cedar Oaks utilizes a variety of evidence-based therapeutic modalities, including CBT, EMDR, and trauma-informed therapy, to help individuals process and overcome their traumatic experiences. These therapies are integrated into each client’s personalized treatment plan to ensure the best outcomes.

Supportive Community

The communal aspect of treatment at Cedar Oaks offers individuals the opportunity to connect with others who have similar experiences. This sense of community is invaluable, providing a network of support and understanding that can make all the difference in recovery.

A Healing Environment

Set in a tranquil and natural setting, Cedar Oaks provides a peaceful environment conducive to healing and recovery. The beauty of the surrounding landscape offers a backdrop for reflection, growth, and healing.


Building coping skills to manage PTSD triggers is a crucial aspect of the recovery journey. While this process can be challenging, it is also filled with opportunities for growth and healing. Cedar Oaks Wellness Center offers a supportive and comprehensive program tailored to meet the needs of individuals dealing with PTSD, providing them with the tools and support necessary to navigate their recovery journey. If you or a loved one are struggling with PTSD, remember that

Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for Dual Diagnosis

According to a 2021 survey by SAMHSA, roughly 9.2 million adults in the United States have co-occurring disorders. When a person is diagnosed with both a mental health disorder and a substance use disorder at the same time, it is commonly referred to as a dual diagnosis. One treatment approach that holds promise for individuals with dual diagnoses is mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT).

Keep reading to delve into the details of MBCT, its effectiveness, and how it can positively impact the lives of those with a dual diagnosis.

What are the Most Common Kinds of Dual Diagnosis?

Research suggests that many people may experience a range of common kinds of dual diagnosis. These can include:

  • Depression and alcohol use disorder
  • Anxiety disorders and cocaine addiction
  • Bipolar disorder and opioid dependence
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and cannabis abuse

It’s important to acknowledge there are numerous other potential combinations out there. 

Individuals may encounter a wide range of mental health concerns alongside the difficulties of substance abuse.

Delving into the Connection Between Mental Health and Addiction through Dual Diagnosis

It is undeniable that mental health and addiction are linked as these two conditions tend to aggravate each other. That’s why it is essential to have treatment options that address both parts of dual diagnosis. We can best help those facing dual diagnosis by providing integrated care for mental health and substance abuse.

Exploring the Intricacies of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy

Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy integrates cognitive behavioral techniques with mindfulness strategies that have proven successful. The aim is to deal with irrational thoughts that lead to unhealthy habits such as drug use. This therapy can also help individuals develop an awareness of the importance of being fully present in every moment.

The Mechanics of MBCT

MBCT utilizes a range of tactics to encourage self-awareness and acceptance, such as:

  • Meditation
  • Breathing exercises
  • Yoga

These practices help individuals observe their thoughts without judgment, leading to a better understanding of their triggers and the development of healthier coping strategies. 

It’s particularly beneficial for those dealing with addiction and mental health conditions, as it effectively addresses both aspects.


Multiple case studies have demonstrated the extensive benefits of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) for individuals facing a dual diagnosis. Engaging in mindfulness practices can profoundly impact mental well-being, reshaping the brain and enhancing attention, emotional regulation, and decision-making capabilities. Notably, a study revealed that MBCT for dual diagnosis substantially decreased relapse rates in substance use.


Nevertheless, it is crucial to acknowledge that MBCT, similar to any therapeutic approach, presents challenges.

  • Commitment and consistent practice are necessary for optimal results.
  • It’s essential to be aware that relapse is always possible, requiring ongoing effort and support.

Overall, MBCT offers valuable tools and techniques that can empower individuals on their journey to recovery and improved mental health.

Applying Mindfulness in Addiction Recovery

People who have a dual diagnosis can include mindfulness practices as part of their journey to recovery. Here’s how you can integrate mindfulness into your addiction rehab process:

  • Set aside a few minutes daily for mindfulness practices such as deep breathing or body scan meditation. These exercises can help cultivate a sense of serenity and enhance your overall well-being.
  • Partake in mindful pursuits like practicing yoga, immersing yourself in nature during walks, or journaling.
  • Join a mindfulness therapy group where you can learn and practice mindfulness techniques with others with similar experiences.
  • Develop a nurturing sense of self-compassion and wholeheartedly accept yourself and your circumstances.

It’s essential to start with small steps and gradually incorporate mindfulness techniques into your daily life for a holistic approach to healing.

Explore the Benefits of Cognitive Therapy for Dual Diagnosis at Cedar Oaks Wellness

Cedar Oaks Wellness, a Cincinnati drug and alcohol rehab center, offers various addiction therapy programs in Ohio to help you recover. Our services include detoxification, residential care, outpatient treatment, and dual diagnosis treatment.

We pride ourselves on our team of experts whose priority is using cognitive therapy as a practical approach for dealing with co-occurring mental health and substance abuse disorders. We are here to help you recover every step of the way; contact us today!

How Depression Inhibits Communication in Relationships

Have you ever felt trapped in a bubble, unable to express your emotions or connect with others? 

It’s a common experience for many people dealing with depression, a mental health condition that affects millions of individuals worldwide.

Keep reading to explore how depression inhibits communication in relationships and discover ways to tackle this challenge head-on!

Understanding the Roots: What Causes Depression?

Depression is a tricky mental health condition that doesn’t have a one-size-fits-all explanation.

Various factors, including genetics, biology, and environment, can influence it. Some potential triggers for depressive episodes include:

  • Traumatic life circumstances, such as the loss of a loved one
  • Struggles in relationships or difficult breakups
  • Financial concerns and worries
  • Chronic illnesses or health conditions

It’s important to remember that each person’s experience with depression is unique and may require personalized strategies for treatment and support.

The Many Faces of Depression: Types of Depression

Depression can manifest in various forms, each with its unique symptoms and triggers. Here are some types of depression:

  • Major Depressive Disorder (MDD): It involves persistent feelings of sadness and disinterest in activities that were once enjoyable.
  • Persistent Depressive Disorder (Dysthymia): This form is characterized by chronic, long-term symptoms that may not be disabling but can prevent you from functioning at your best or feeling good.
  • Postpartum Depression: Experienced by some new mothers, this type of depression occurs after giving birth and can affect their emotional well-being.
  • Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD): It is a type of depression that appears during specific seasons, typically in winter, due to reduced exposure to sunlight.
  • Bipolar Disorder: This condition involves alternating episodes of depression and mania, characterized by extreme mood swings.

Recognizing the Silent Enemy: How to Recognize Depression

Depression is a commonly overlooked condition, as its symptoms can be brushed off as normal mood swings or passing sadness.

However, it is necessary to recognize the signs, as they can significantly influence a person’s well-being. Some key symptoms of depression include:

  • Persistent sadness and a feeling of hopelessness
  • Increased irritability and agitation
  • Decreased energy and motivation
  • Difficulty concentrating and making decisions
  • Changes in appetite and sleep patterns
  • Thoughts of death or suicide

The Broken Link: How Depression Inhibits Communication and Why

Depression has a profound impact on how we communicate, often creating a barrier between us and our loved ones.

It can lead to withdrawal, making it challenging to express our emotions or have meaningful conversations.

This can stem from a fear of being misunderstood, judged, or burdened by others. Here are some examples of how depression impacts communication in relationships:

  • Difficulty expressing feelings: Depression can make it hard to articulate our emotions, leaving us feeling trapped and unable to effectively communicate what we’re going through.
  • Lack of engagement: Depression often leads to a lack of interest or motivation, making it challenging to participate in conversations and connect with others actively.
  • Negative perception: Depression can cause us to see situations in a more negative light than they are, leading to misunderstandings and strained communication.

Overall, depression can significantly impact our ability to communicate and relate with others, highlighting the importance of understanding and support during these difficult times.

Bridging the Gap: Effective Communication Skills for Relationships

Effective communication plays an integral role in any relationship, particularly when one person is coping with depression.

Here are helpful tips to keep in mind:

  • Practice Active Listening: Show genuine empathy and understanding without passing judgment. Give your full attention and validate their feelings.
  • Express Yourself Clearly: Share your thoughts and emotions using “I” statements to avoid sounding accusatory. This fosters open and honest communication.
  • Be Patient: Recognize that discussing depression can be challenging for the person involved. Give them the time and space they need to express themselves.
  • Avoid Assumptions: Don’t make assumptions about someone’s experience with depression. Instead, ask questions and listen without judgment to gain a better understanding.
  • Use Positive Language: Avoid negative or critical language that could worsen their depressive symptoms. Instead, use encouraging and supportive words.
  • Be Mindful of Timing: Choose an appropriate time to discuss sensitive topics such as depression. Avoid bringing it up during heated or stressful moments.
  • Validate Their Feelings: Recognize and validate their feelings, even if you don’t understand them fully. This demonstrates that you care and are willing to listen.
  • Be Understanding: Understand that depression can affect someone’s behavior and emotions, but it does not define them. Avoid taking things personally and be patient with their moods.
  • Encourage Seeking Professional Help: Remind your loved one that seeking professional help is not a sign of frailty but a brave step towards healing. Offer to help them find a therapist or support group if needed.

Seeking Professional Help: Treatments for Depression

Depression can be treated effectively, and seeking professional help is crucial.

The treatment process often involves the individual as well as their family. Here are some treatment options to consider:

  • Psychotherapy (talk therapy): Engaging in therapeutic conversations to address underlying issues and develop coping strategies.
  • Medications: Prescribed medications to help manage symptoms and stabilize mood.
  • Family therapy is also highly beneficial, as it helps family members better understand the condition and learn how to support their loved ones.

Cedar Oaks Wellness offers a comprehensive range of addiction and mental health care services.

Our holistic approach incorporates data-driven programs like family therapy and group therapy to ensure a well-rounded and successful recovery journey.

Reach Out, Don’t Reach In: Contact Cedar Oaks for Depression Treatment

Feeling depressed can make you feel alone, but it’s important to remember that you’re not.

If you or someone you care about is struggling with depression, please reach out to us at Cedar Oaks Wellness.

We’re here to support you through the journey of healing and overcoming the communication barriers that depression can create.

You don’t have to face this battle by yourself.

We’re here, ready to offer a helping hand and a compassionate ear. Together, we can break the silence surrounding depression.

Understanding the Overlap Between Bipolar Disorder and Addiction

Bipolar disorder and addiction are intertwined in a complex web. Though misunderstood, they create unique challenges that make it difficult for healthcare providers to diagnose. Research indicates that bipolar disorder and drug addiction exacerbate the symptoms in both directions. Considering the pervasive nature of both conditions, the individual may feel increasingly enfeebled if medical help isn’t sought.

The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry mentions that about 70% of people with bipolar experience drug and alcohol addiction. This further proves the co-existence of these conditions and the likelihood of experiencing both simultaneously. While it remains unclear what triggers the other, they reinforce each other’s impact and complicate recovery. 

Cedar Oaks Wellness Center is a Cincinnati drug and alcohol rehab center that offers treatment for addiction and Bipolar Disorder.

Bipolar Disorder Explained

Bipolar disorder is a condition typified by emotional fluctuations and an inability to regulate emotions. A person with bipolar experiences depression and high manic episodes that can last for days. They first start as a depressed individual and transition to a period of high energy, accompanied by impulsive behavior. Sometimes, the affected person can show a high level of creativity that seems to last for a while, followed by a period of sadness and depression. Bipolar worsens over time if left untreated.

Bipolar can be effectively treated, but not without a thorough and supervised approach. Those who refuse treatment will experience worsened symptoms over time, which complicates the recovery process. This disorder can be challenging to diagnose without diligent evaluation because of its overlapping symptoms with other mental disorders and addiction. An individual may present signs of depression but may not demonstrate manic episodes. If you suspect having bipolar, you need to be aware of the general symptoms of mania and depression since the individual must pass through both phases. The signs include;

  • Feeling highly elated
  • More active than normal
  • Lack of sleep
  • Hypersensitivity
  • Substance cravings
  • Impulsive behavior
  • Stuttering and talking too fast
  • Racing thoughts
  • Feeling like you have the power to do anything
  • Feeling influential
  • Increased appetite for food, sex, etc.
  • Feeling anxious and then depressed
  • Restlessness
  • Sleeping too much or waking up too early and in a rush
  • Talking slowly and finding it difficult to verbalize
  • Poor concentration
  • Sudden lack of interest in activities
  • Feeling worthless

The Relationship Between Bipolar and Addiction

The link between bipolar disorder and alcohol addiction or drug addiction is multifaceted. Individuals with bipolar experience mood swings, from one manic episode to a depressive state. To alleviate this feeling, the individual self-medicates or turns to drugs. Not only does this worsen the feeling, but it leads to substance addiction, creating a vicious cycle.

Bipolar and substance abuse co-occur because of the temporary relief the drugs create. During mania, the individual turns to drugs to reinforce the elation. Conversely, they depend on drugs to escape pain and sadness during a depressive state. Unfortunately, the drugs only create a temporary effect. They indulge in regular intake to maintain the same impact, predisposing them to drug use issues. Without drugs, they seek temporary relief from alcohol to ease their emotional pain. None of these substances alleviate the symptoms altogether. Instead, they worsen the co-occurring disorder.

Treating Co-Occurring Disorder

Co-occurring disorders can be treated, but the dynamics of the complex duality must be understood first. This entails evaluating the individual thoroughly to avoid misdiagnoses. Only then can the correct treatment be administered.

Dual diagnosis treatment is a practical, integrated approach for bipolar and addiction. This approach comprises therapies like cognitive-behavioral therapy and dialectical therapy. They address bipolar and substance abuse simultaneously by alleviating symptoms and teaching coping techniques. 

To recover from this co-occurring disorder, one must imbibe patience and commitment. The road to recovery is tedious, and setbacks may occur. However, individuals can attain long-term sobriety with a proper support system and dedication. Enrolling in Cincinnati addiction treatment programs offering the full continuum of care is essential, as aftercare support is typically provided to help the person integrate into society and live more comfortably.

Cedar Oaks Wellness Offers Co-occurring Disorder Treatment

If you or a loved one faces this challenge, seek help immediately. Remember, sobriety and recovery are attainable with the medical team and facility. At Cedar Oaks Wellness Center, we provide the support and treatment you need to overcome this complex Cincinnati dual diagnosis and live more purposefully. Our therapeutic approaches are tailored to the individual’s needs. Given the complexity of this challenge, we commit ourselves to thoroughly taking care of the individual and providing them with the resources to ensure recovery.

A Closer Look at Bipolar Disorder and Addiction: Evidence-Based Approaches to Treatment

Bipolar disorder is a mental disorder often intertwined with addiction, creating a formidable force that’s challenging to break without medical help. While it isn’t clear yet what causes the other, it’s evident that both co-exist. The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry disclosed that an estimated 70% of people with bipolar have a history of drug and alcohol addiction.

 When bipolar disorder and alcohol addiction occur, they reinforce each other’s impact, complicating the recovery process. The same goes for when it’s bipolar disorder and drug addiction. As a co-occurring disorder, bipolar and addiction have an intricate relationship that can’t be dealt with single-handedly. This blog delves into bipolar and addiction, exploring the relationship, effect, and treatment using an evidence-based approach.

Contact Cedar Oaks Wellness Center today to learn more about how our Cincinnati drug and alcohol rehab center can help.

Bipolar and Addiction Defined

Bipolar is a common mental health disorder that manifests as mood swings, manic episodes, periods of intensive energy, and impulsivity. It is more than a conventional mood swing; it causes drastic emotional changes. A person with bipolar can be happy this minute and become sad next. They can veer from a depressive state to mania in a short time. Following this period of high intensity are depression and sadness. 

Addiction is the unconscious and uncontrolled need for a substance, usually alcohol or drugs, despite knowing their harmful impacts. An individual addicted to alcohol or drugs experiences the same impulsivity that a person with bipolar has after ingesting the substance. When an individual experiences the two conditions, they are said to have a co-occurring disorder or dual diagnosis. Co-occurring disorder makes it complicated for the affected person to live normally. The physical, emotional, and psychological beings are greatly affected.

Why Does Dual Diagnosis Occur?

While no one seems to know what triggers the other, some theories suggest either could trigger both conditions. For example, individuals with bipolar may depend on substances to self-medicate and ease symptoms. Conversely, substance abuse can activate mood swings and worsen bipolar symptoms. This creates a vicious cycle, making recovery complicated without adequate treatment. Intensive treatment is needed to help these individuals regain their lives and live more satisfactorily.

Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder and Addiction

Bipolar can be hard to identify in those with a history of substance misuse. The fluctuating mood swings, which are evident in those with this disorder, can also manifest in those undergoing detox. In many cases, substance misuse can intensify the symptoms of bipolar, making it challenging to uncover the cause of the mood swings.

Although the mood swings are typically more intense than the average adult witness in their lives, they follow a pattern and often strike when you least expect them. Its unpredictable nature leaves the individual helpless and uncontrollable. The following are signs of this disorder:

  • Despair
  • Fatigue
  • Fluctuating energy levels
  • Insomnia
  • Feelings of degradation
  • Suicidal thoughts
  • Racing thoughts, causing poor concentration
  • Poor judgment
  • Impulsive behavior
  • Feelings of grandiosity

For substance misuse, the signs are;

  • Loss of control
  • Spending more time indoors. If outdoors, they spend time with people influencing their addiction.
  • Increased tolerance
  • Uncontrollable and irrational behavior
  • Obsessive cravings
  • Mood changes
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Poor movement coordination
  • Weight loss
  • Loss of interest in hobbies. They replace their hobbies with substance abuse

Evidence-Based Treatments for Bipolar Disorder and Addiction

Recovering from the co-occurring disorder of bipolar and drug addiction is possible with the appropriate treatment and support system. Here are the available treatment options:

  • Medication: Bipolar disorder is recognized by mood swings, but medications like Lithium can help stabilize them. They can also help address addiction during the detox process. Other medications that can help include antipsychotic drugs and blood pressure medications. These conditions must be treated simultaneously to avoid giving room to the other for growth.
  • Integrated Therapy: Holistic and comprehensive therapy programs that cater to bipolar and alcohol addiction can effectively address the dual diagnosis simultaneously. Cognitive-behavioral therapy and Motivational Enhancement Therapy have recorded massive successes as dual diagnosis treatments. CBT addresses patterns and behaviors that influence bipolar and addiction, while MET is a collaborative approach that helps define the client’s source of motivation to help them achieve their goals.
  • Support Groups: 12-step programs like Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous can help mitigate the effects of dual diagnosis by providing a sense of community. These platforms foster unity and harmony among members, allowing them to lean on each other for moral support. Coping strategies and relevant educational resources are shared to help with recovery.
  • Family Involvement: Involving family members in recovery can help quicken the pace. Family plays a pivotal role in the treatment process by creating a supportive space to accommodate their loved ones as they recover from dual diagnosis.

Seeking Help for Bipolar Disorder and Substance Abuse

Bipolar and addiction are complex conditions that can degrade a person’s life. They are progressive sicknesses that increase in severity if treatment is not sought. At Cedar Oaks Wellness Center, we run different programs that cater to the needs of our clients with co-occurring disorders. Our comprehensive Cincinnati addiction treatment programs use an integrated approach to improve the outcome of this dual diagnosis. Reach out to us now at 1-866-579-0994.