5778 State Route 350 Oregonia, OH 45054


The Role of Physical Exercise in Alleviating Symptoms of Depression

Depression is a severe mental health problem that even makes the simplest activities seem impossible. 

Depression impacts around 264 million people globally, disrupting their lives and usually causing severe emotional pain. 

That notwithstanding, what if a simple, natural way existed to help control these symptoms? Enter the aspect of physical exercise helping depression management.

Keep reading to see the role of physical exercise in alleviating symptoms of depression!

The Role of Physical Exercise in Alleviating Symptoms of Depression

Exercise has been shown to have positive effects on mental well-being, particularly on depression symptom management. Here are some ways that physical activity can help:

Releases Endorphins

While exercising, our body releases chemicals called endorphins. These hormones, which make us feel good, reduce mood disorders and anxiety.

Increases Energy Levels

Depression causes fatigue and low energy levels among victims. However, these can be amended by engaging in any form of physical activity.

Provides a Sense of Accomplishment

Even little things can feel overwhelming when someone is depressed. Through regular exercises, individuals can achieve small goals that boost their self-esteem and confidence.

Reduces Inflammation

Research indicates that exercise reduces body inflammation associated with depression. Therefore, exercise may enhance overall mood and well-being by minimizing inflammation.

Offers Distraction

Exercise helps individuals escape negative thoughts or rumination while allowing them to concentrate on current moments.

Encourages Social Interaction

Various forms of exercise, for instance, group classes or team sports, involve socializing while having fun together with others

These activities are beneficial for those suffering from depression as they provide an opportunity for them to connect with others and counteract feelings of isolation.

Recommended Types of Exercise

Not all types of exercise are the same regarding enhancing mental health. Here are some recommended types of exercise that are effective:

  • Cardiovascular Exercise: This activity, also called aerobic exercise, includes rhythmic and sustained movement of large muscle groups like running, swimming, or cycling. Cardio exercises are believed to release higher endorphins, natural “feel good” chemicals.
  • Strength Training: The type of exercise that uses resistance to make the muscles grow stronger and bigger is known as strength training. Push-ups, weightlifting, and squats can be included in such activities. Research indicates strength training can enhance emotional states and reduce symptoms related to depression.
  • Yoga: Fusing physical activity with mindfulness and deep breathing lowers stress levels and improves a person’s mood. Also, it enables individuals suffering from depression to become more mindful of their feelings.
  • Dancing: Dancing has positively affected mental health by combining physical movements with social aspects. It promotes self-worth besides reducing anxiety and depression while being a fun way of exercising.
  • Outdoor Activities: According to research conducted by experts, being in nature helps calm down the mind, which results in reduced feelings of stress, anxiety as well as depression. For this reason, people suffering from depression may benefit from outdoor activities, including hiking, gardening, or simply strolling in parks.

Also very important is to include mindfulness in your daily exercises. Mindfulness is about being aware of the present moment and accepting non-judgmentally every thought or feeling one has.

Every Little Bit Counts: Minute Doses, Great Results

Find an exercise program that suits your needs and preferences. Experiment with several kinds of exercise and figure out what you like best. 

Small amounts of physical activity can go a long way in promoting personal well-being. 

By doing as little as 15 minutes a day on average, regular physical activities could lessen the chances of developing depression. 

This underlines the need to include some sort of physical activity in one’s life, even if it is minimal.

Exercise and Depression Treatment

It is important to note that exercise alone cannot help manage depression; it should be supplemented with proper treatment. 

Our addiction care continuum at Cedar Oaks Wellness Center encompasses detox, residential programs, and partial hospitalization services

We also have unique treatment modalities, such as equine therapy and nutrition wellness therapy.

Cedar Oaks Wellness Center: Treating Mental Illness through Physical Exercise and Compassionate Care

The role of physical exercise in relieving symptoms of depression cannot be emphasized enough. 

Incorporating regular physical activities into your daily routine can help you control the symptoms, thus improving your mental health in general.
Remember, there is no need for anyone to face depression alone reach us at Cedar Oaks Wellness Center for comprehensive, compassionate care!

Overcoming Self-Stigma

Recovery can be a challenging journey on many fronts. It’s about fighting external battles and the internal struggle of self-stigma. 

Keep reading to learn more about overcoming self-stigma in addiction recovery!

What Lies Beneath Understanding Self-Stigma

Internalizing society’s negative attitudes and perceptions regarding addiction is what self-stigma denotes. 

This can leave an individual with emotions of shame, guilt, and inadequacy and significantly deter that person from seeking assistance in and maintaining sobriety.

Mental Health Effects from the Stigma of Addiction 

  • Isolation: People isolate themselves for fear of being judged by others, causing loneliness and emotional distress.
  • Low Self-Esteem: A negative internalized image about oneself may be harmful to one’s self-esteem as well as personal values.
  • Hindered Recovery Process: Attitudes towards oneself can prevent individuals from seeking or adhering to treatment plans.
  • Mental Health Issues: Ongoing negative self-perception and feelings of guilt can either aggravate existing mental conditions or trigger others.

Breaking Free from Self-Stigma

Below are some guides on how to free yourself from self-stigmatization:

Step into the Light: Acknowledge the Stigma

Being aware is the first step in overcoming self-stigmatization. You can’t deny experiencing such emotions; it’s okay.

Unshackle Your Mind: Educate Yourself

Education serves a vital role in combating stigmatizing aspects within yourself. 

By learning that addiction is a disease, one can stop thinking it’s a faulty action or being personally weak. 

Resources like the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) websites or attending educational programs by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) can help gather insights into understanding addiction better.

Forge Your Support Armor: Build a Support Network

When overcoming self-stigma, having a solid support network is critical. 

Surrounding yourself with understanding and supportive individuals can go a long way in assisting you through this process. 

Examples of the kind of support one can seek include:

Professional Treatment Options

Sometimes, seeking professional help in dealing with self-stigmatization may be helpful. The following are some examples of professional treatments that may be beneficial:

  • Medication-assisted treatment
  • Addressing negative thinking patterns using cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)
  • Mindfulness training and meditation for enhanced self-acceptance

Self-Care: Prioritize Your Well-Being

Self-care is essential to overcome self-stigma.

Ensure you prioritize your mental, physical, and emotional well-being by introducing good practices into your daily routine. Here are some of the self-care tips that can be helpful:

  • Engaging in regular exercise keeps your body fit and healthy.
  • Practicing mindfulness and meditation helps to nurture emotional health.
  • Allocating free time for things you enjoy doing or hobbies allows you to relax and loosen up.
  • Develop strong connections with friends and family members who can form a support network where they feel like they belong.
  • Put a priority on sleep, thus establishing a consistent sleep schedule for achieving optimal rest.
  • Set boundaries; learn to say no and not to stretch yourself too much.
  • Take breaks for self-reflection; this will help one recharge and maintain mental clarity.

Remember that caring for yourself is not selfish but essential for your well-being.

Maintaining Mental Health and Overcoming Self-stigma with Cedar Oaks Wellness

Improving mental health starts with overcoming self-stigma. However, it does not end there; it is an ongoing self-acceptance, growth, and resilience process. 

Cedar Oaks Wellness provides a safe space where individuals can address their issues of self-stigma alongside other mental health challenges. 

Our team of experienced therapists offers evidence-based therapies such as medication-assisted therapy and relapse prevention, which enable individuals to develop coping mechanisms and enhance self-compassion.Please do not hesitate to contact us if either you or someone close to you suffers from any symptoms of self-stigma or related problems.

Emotional Intelligence and Its Role in Recovery

The journey to sobriety is not easy, but it’s a chance for us to grow personally. One part of personal growth is developing an awareness of our emotions that led to our addiction.

Keep reading to explore the concept of “emotional intelligence” and its crucial role in addiction recovery.

What is Emotional Intelligence?

In simple terms, our emotional IQ is our capacity to recognize, comprehend, and handle our own emotions as well as the emotions of others. 

Three Key Skills

It encompasses three essential skills:

  • Emotional awareness: The ability to understand and acknowledge our own emotions, as well as recognize the emotions of others.
  • Emotional problem-solving: Harnessing the power of emotions to address and solve problems effectively.
  • Emotional management: This involves regulating our emotions and providing support or comfort to others when needed.

Our emotional IQ empowers us to navigate the complex landscape of human emotions, fostering stronger relationships and personal growth.

Why is it Important to Develop?

Emotional IQ  plays a vital role in recovery. It empowers individuals with the necessary tools to navigate the challenging path of addiction recovery. 

Improving the management of triggers, coping with stress, and fostering healthier relationships make our emotional IQ crucial for a sustainable recovery journey.

How Do You Develop Emotional Intelligence in Recovery?

Self -Reflection

Understanding yourself is a vital step to gaining control over your emotional responses. Take the time to reflect on your thoughts, feelings, and actions. Here are some tips for self-reflection:

  • Find a quiet space where you can be alone with your thoughts.
  • Write in a journal to help organize your thoughts and emotions.
  • Ask yourself probing questions like “Why did I react that way?” or “What triggered that emotion?”
  • Practice mindfulness and meditation to cultivate self-awareness.
  • Seek feedback from trusted friends or mentors to gain different perspectives.
  • Be patient and kind with yourself as you navigate the process of self-reflection.


Empathy allows us to truly understand and share the emotions of others, creating more profound and supportive relationships.

This genuine connection can be incredibly healing, especially during the recovery process, as it replaces the isolation often experienced with addiction.

Ways to develop empathy include:

  • Practicing active listening
  • Putting yourself in someone else’s shoes
  • Showing kindness and compassion
  • Seeking to understand before being understood

Create Healthy Relationships

Building and maintaining healthy relationships is crucial during the recovery journey. 

Emotional awareness is vital in this process, helping us foster better communication, understanding, and mutual respect. 

Here are some examples of how to create healthy relationships during recovery:

  • Practice active listening and empathy to understand and connect with others truly.
  • Communicate openly and honestly, expressing your needs and boundaries while respecting those of others.
  • Show appreciation and gratitude for the support and care you receive, fostering a positive and nurturing environment.
  • Foster trust by being reliable and consistent, honoring commitments and promises.
  • Practice forgiveness and understanding, recognizing that everyone makes mistakes and deserves a chance to grow.

Remember, healthy relationships are a cornerstone of recovery, providing the support and love needed to thrive on this journey.

A Journey of Growth and Learning

Remember, developing emotional awareness is a continuous process, not about reaching a destination. 

It’s completely okay to make mistakes and face setbacks along the way. What truly matters is your commitment to learn and grow from these experiences. Keep pushing forward!

Unlock the Power of Emotional Intelligence for Lasting Sobriety with Cedar Oaks Wellness’ Luxury Addiction Care Programs

Emotional intelligence in recovery is a powerful tool on the path to sobriety. 

We can navigate recovery challenges and build stronger, healthier relationships by nurturing self-awareness, empathy, and emotional management skills. 

Developing our emotional IQ enhances our ability to stay sober and improve our overall quality of life. 

At Cedar Oaks Wellness, we offer a full continuum of luxury addiction care, including detox, residential, and partial-hospitalization programs. 

Contact us today to embark on a journey toward sustainable recovery and a more fulfilling, balanced life!

Developing a Positive Self-Image in Recovery

Are you ready to unlock the power of a positive self-image in recovery from substance abuse?

As we navigate the ups and downs, self-image becomes crucial, shaping how we perceive ourselves physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Keep reading to explore the empowering impact of cultivating a positive self-image in recovery, propelling us towards sustained sobriety and a fulfilling life.

What Causes Addicts to Have Low Self Esteem or a Poor Self Image?

It is common for individuals struggling with addiction to have a negative self-image or low self-esteem.

This can stem from various factors such as:

  • Childhood trauma
  • Societal pressures
  • Substance abuse contributing to self-perception damage
  • The constant cycle of shame and guilt associated with addiction

Neglecting Basic Needs

When we’re caught up in active addiction, our primary focus becomes the substance itself, and sadly, we tend to overlook our self-care.

This can result in neglecting our physical appearance and overall well-being, which is unsuitable for us in the long run.

Legal and Relationship Troubles

Addiction can have far-reaching consequences that contribute to feelings of worthlessness and shame. These may include:

It’s essential to address these challenges with empathy and support.

Changes in Brain Chemistry

Moreover, addiction can impact the brain’s reward system, making it challenging for individuals to experience pleasure or satisfaction from anything other than the substance.

This can result in hopelessness and a lack of confidence in one’s capacity to initiate positive changes.

The Power of High Self-Esteem in Recovery

A solid sense of self-worth and high self-esteem is crucial for maintaining a positive self-image.

It’s all about resilience, adaptability, and having faith in our ability to overcome addiction.

When we believe in ourselves, we’re more likely to take ownership of our actions and find success in recovery.

Plus, we naturally gravitate towards healthier ways of coping. These findings highlight the importance of improving self-esteem throughout the recovery journey.

Self-Reflection: A Pathway to a Positive Self-Image in Recovery

Self-reflection in recovery is critical in shaping a positive self-image.

It’s all about taking a moment to delve into our thoughts, emotions, and actions, ultimately helping us recognize and shift negative self-talk patterns.

It’s a powerful practice that can truly make a difference.

Here are some practices that can help you on your growth journey:

  • Journaling: Take the time to write down your thoughts, feelings, and experiences regularly. It’s a great way to reflect and gain insights.
  • Mindfulness Meditation: Practice being present and aware of your thoughts without judgment. It can help calm your mind and diminish stress.
  • Self-affirmations: Use positive statements that reinforce your self-worth. Remind yourself of your strengths and capabilities.
  • Gratitude Practice: Take a moment to acknowledge and appreciate the good aspects of your life. It can bring more positivity and happiness.
  • Feedback Seeking: Contact trusted individuals and ask for their perspectives about you. It can provide valuable insights for self-improvement.
  • Goal Setting: Set personal goals and regularly review your progress. It keeps you motivated and focused on what you want to achieve.
  • Art Therapy: Express your feelings and emotions through creative mediums. It can be a therapeutic and enjoyable way to explore yourself.
  • Mind Mapping: Visualize your thoughts, ideas, and goals. It helps you organize your thinking and see connections between different aspects.
  • Body Scan Meditation: Connect with your physical presence and sensations. It promotes relaxation and self-awareness.
  • Therapy and Counseling: Seek professional addiction treatment to guide your self-reflection process. It’s essential to have support and guidance when needed.

Remember, personal growth is a unique journey, so find what works best for you and embrace it.

Actionable Tips to Build Self-Esteem

Improving your self-esteem takes effort and conscious intention. Here are some practical tips to help you along the way:

  • Be aware of troubling situations: Take note of situations that lower your self-esteem.
  • Forgive yourself: Understand that everyone makes mistakes and use them as learning opportunities.
  • Do good deeds: Engage in acts of kindness to boost your self-worth.
  • Accept compliments gracefully: Practice accepting praise without dismissing it.
  • Make positive changes in your life: Adopt healthy habits and pursue activities that bring you happiness.
  • Avoid comparison: Remember that everyone’s journey is unique, and focus on your progress.

Empower Your Positive Self Image in Recovery Journey at Cedar Oaks Wellness Center

Here at Cedar Oaks Wellness Center, we truly understand the significance of developing a positive self-image during recovery.

Our comprehensive addiction treatment plans are tailored to promote high self-esteem and encourage self-reflection in recovery.

We provide a complete range of addiction care services, including detox, residential inpatient programs, PHP, and aftercare.

Our data-driven approach aims to create a nurturing environment on a luxurious campus, allowing individuals to prioritize their well-being and recovery.If you or a loved one is embarking on the path of recovery, don’t hesitate to contact us. Together, we can cultivate a positive self-image and pave the way for a healthier life.

Turning Pain Into Purpose: Advocacy and Community Engagement in Recovery

Turning Pain into Purpose: Advocacy and Community Engagement in Recovery

Addiction recovery is a long journey marked with obstacles. The National Institute on Drug Abuse mentions that about 85% of people in recovery relapse a year into treatment. This exemplifies the tediousness and complication of recovery. However, amidst this adversity is a path of transformation and self-discovery. For many, recovery gives them the chance to turn their pain into purpose and inspire others to live healthily and overcome addiction. 

At the heart of every successful recovery lies the power of community. It’s within these webs that individuals find solace and unwavering support. Research has proven that community engagement improves recovery outcomes from substance abuse. Individuals who have recovered from addiction can share their struggles and recovery stories through community initiatives, supporting others through recovery.

Cedar Oaks Wellness Center is a Cincinnati drug and alcohol rehab that can help you or a loved one on your journey to recovery.

Recovery Advocacy in Addiction Recovery

Recovery advocacy is vital in inspiring others on their journey to suppressing addictive behaviors and living sober. It involves sharing their journey with others, advocating for policies that enhance recovery, and supporting others battling similar problems.

With recovery advocacy, those who have fully recovered from addiction can harness their own experiences to make a more meaningful impact on their communities and society. Because of the painful experiences associated with addiction, many sober individuals have turned their pain into passion, inspiring others through community initiatives to seek help, even in the face of stigma. DBT can help individuals turn their pain into strength and purpose. 

Apart from making a meaningful impact, the desire to give back drives most sober individuals. Most people recovered because they were instilled with a sense of community and purpose. Their transformation is a story to share. As a result, they hope to replicate this feeling and community engagement through volunteering.

Ways to Give Back to Society and Offer Support to Those in Recovery

Giving back to society entails doing something that will motivate others to live sober for the rest of their lives and build necessary skills that will lead to their survival in the real world. The following are ways to give back to society and support people in recovery. 

Engage in Advocacy

One way to make your voice heard is through advocacy campaigns. These are potent ways for individuals to share their success stories, raise awareness about mental health challenges, addiction, and stigma, and support those in recovery. Advocacy campaigns aim to transform how society views addiction recovery, enabling a better supportive environment for those in recovery.

To raise awareness, people can organize events, seminars, and workshops to engage with communities to enhance compassion and understanding. This creates a ripple effect that extends beyond one person. It’s about raising a group of resilient individuals who will say no to substance abuse and take baby steps toward recovery within the community. Several projects are involved in recovery advocacy campaigns, such as the Herren Project. By joining hands with them, you can contribute your quota in making a positive change.

Speaking Engagements: Sharing Personal Stories to Inspire Others

Speaking in public places that allow for mental health advocacy will enable others to hear personal recovery stories. These can serve as inspiration to them to embark on a similar transformative journey. Sharing the stories offers hope and is therapeutic for the speaker, reinforcing their decision to live sober.

Volunteering in Rehab Centers

Individuals can volunteer in rehab centers to give back to society. By working at rehab facilities, you’re sharing your time and empathy, which could profoundly impact the lives of those in recovery. Giving back to volunteering helps them discover their purpose and reinforces their dedication to sobriety. The volunteers are also serving as positive examples to those in need.

Recovery goes beyond healing from addiction; it’s about using your story and experiences as inspiration for others. It entails sharing personal struggles, turning your pain into purpose, and a source of strength. Reinforcing commitment to recovery and sobriety through advocacy, public speaking, and volunteering can make a tremendous difference in the lives of individuals in recovery.

Cedar Oaks Wellness Center Has Alumni Groups that Supports Addiction and Mental Health Recovery

If you or someone you know is going through addiction problems, you need a compassionate team to support you on your journey to sobriety. Cedar Oaks Wellness Center is the place to be. Our team believes you can recover from substance abuse if the triggers are identified and managed. Our alumni group serves as a platform where previous clients who have completed their programs share their healing stories to inspire others still in recovery. Need help overcoming addiction? Contact our Cincinnati addiction treatment center today to learn more about how to get help.

Relapse Prevention Techniques for Drug and Alcohol Addiction

Relapse Prevention Techniques for Drug and Alcohol Addiction

Addiction is as complicated as recovery. That’s why you must be patient when recovering from substance abuse. Addiction recovery is personal growth, but you can be at risk of relapsing at any stage. The National Institute on Drug Abuse revealed that 60% of patients in recovery relapse after the first year. The percentage gets smaller as the individual stays longer in sobriety. Factors like boredom and anger trigger the relapse. As a result, learning relapse prevention skills is necessary.

Most rehab centers enlighten patients on relapse prevention skills to help them maintain long-term sobriety. There are several relapse prevention for drug and alcohol addiction techniques that patients can incorporate into their daily life to reduce cravings. 

Cedar Oaks Wellness Center is a drug detox center in Cincinnati. Contact us today 

Why Incorporate Relapse Prevention for Drug and Alcohol Addiction Techniques?

Recovery is a long-term process; that heightens the chances of a relapse. The environment is a colossal trigger that could force you into addiction again. This only prolongs the recovery process.

With relapse prevention skills, you can subdue these triggers before they cause havoc and live your everyday life in recovery. Common relapse triggers include;

  • Anger
  • Stress
  • Specific locations
  • Particular smells
  • Sights
  • Boredom
  • Loneliness
  • Financial issues
  • Relationship problems
  • Employment

Knowing your triggers is the first step to avoiding a relapse. From there, you can employ coping techniques. Relapse is part of recovery, so no one should feel afraid if they fall into addiction. For many, relapse only strengthens their recovery.

Common Relapse Prevention for Drug and Alcohol Addiction Techniques

Possessing some relapse prevention skills can help you maintain long-term sobriety. The following techniques can help prevent relapses:

Practice Self-Care

Taking sufficient care of yourself will reduce the vulnerability to using. Health experts revealed that sleeplessness and tiredness are common post-acute withdrawal symptoms and are triggers for relapse. By physically exercising and eating a balanced diet, you can improve endurance and quality of sleep. Set a structured timetable that includes exercising, sleeping, and eating. Doing this will help to minimize the risk of relapse. Nutrition therapy can help.


HALT is different from what you traditionally know. It stands for Hungry, Angry, Lonely, and Tired. These are common symptoms that many individuals recovering from substance use disorder experience. When you crave to use, take an inventory of yourself. Are you experiencing any of the symptoms above? If the answer is obvious, you can condition yourself to prevent relapsing.

Practice Mindfulness Meditation

Mindfulness meditation helps people stay conscious of their surroundings and remain present. When we are self-conscious, we can cope with relapse triggers. According to National Center for Biotechnology Information, those who engage in mindfulness meditation stay sober for an extended period and have fewer cravings than those who don’t.

Mindfulness meditation encourages participants to accept their cravings without judgment instead of fighting them. Through acceptance, you can develop coping skills. To be more mindful, notice everything you do without judgment, including your feelings and thinking patterns. You can write them down for tracking purposes. It will empower you to overcome cravings.

Become a Member of a Support Group

Building a support system of healthy persons around you can make you more accountable. Plus, they can guide you during trying times. Furthermore, they provide more insight to help you understand your plight, which can be crucial to your recovery. This is what support groups offer. Examples of support groups are SMART Recovery, Alcoholics Anonymous, and Narcotics Anonymous.

Use the 5-4-3-2-1 Technique

This method may sound odd, but it is effective against relapse. Also called the grounding technique, 5-4-3-2-1 allows you to explore the five senses to focus on the present. In turn, it shuts off the thought of using and taking alcohol.

5-4-3-2-1 begins by taking a few deep breaths and recognizing the following things around you in order;

  • The five things you see presently.
  • The four things you can touch.
  • The three things you can hear.
  • The two things you can smell.
  • The one thing you can taste.

Close your eyes and breathe deeply for some seconds afterward. Focusing on your senses can help you to become more self-conscious and eliminate unhealthy behaviors that could trigger using.

Have an Emergency Contact

It is challenging to manage an urge, especially at the start of recovery. An effective prevention strategy is creating an emergency contact list of friends in recovery or a healthy loved one. Talking to such a person can help you overcome the craving.

Cedar Oaks Wellness Center Can Help You Implement Coping Skills

Fearing relapse can make you feeble, but you don’t have to feel that way if you have a kit of coping skills. Implementing these strategies into your routine can tremendously reduce relapse. If you need help with implementing these relapse prevention for drug and alcohol addiction techniques, Cedar Oaks Wellness Center is here.

We focus on helping people in recovery maintain sobriety. To achieve this, we teach them relapse prevention skills. Contact us today to learn more about our Cincinnati drug and alcohol rehab center.

Five Tips For Getting Through The First Day At Rehab

Substance use disorder is a chronic illness that can lead to an untimely death if medical help isn’t sought. According to the National Institutes of Health, drug overdose deaths in the United States surpassed 100,000 in 2021. Going to rehab to treat addiction is the best decision. Still, many fear the experience because they don’t know what to expect. Giving up substance use is brave, but it naturally brings feelings like fear, sadness, and uncertainty. You’ll be afraid of the questions the doctors will ask you and even the treatment plan. Plus, the idea that you’ll be off to an unfamiliar place can make you cringe. Eventually, you may give up the idea of going to rehab.

Coping with being away can be difficult, but it’s normal. However, it can get easier. Being abreast of what happens in rehab may ease your fears and get you settled in. What you need is patience. Take it one step at a time. With the tips listed in this article, getting through the first day at rehab would become considerably easier.

Cedar Oaks Wellness Center is a Cincinnati addiction treatment center that offers comprehensive treatment. Contact us today to learn more.

When Should You Consider Treatment?

A sign that you need rehab is when substance use negatively impacts your life. Your job, relationships, everyday living, and physical and mental health will be affected. However, many people live in denial, so they can’t phantom when substance use is taking a toll on them.

Self-medicating with drugs and alcohol to cope with depression is another reason to consider rehabilitation. Rehab centers can diagnose mental health conditions like bipolar and co-occurring disorders. Additionally, they can help treat mental health conditions.

Once you’ve decided to enter rehab, you will go through different treatment phases. The first stage is usually detoxification. After removing the substance from your blood, the specialist may prescribe some medications to reduce alcohol and drug cravings. Therapies, such as individual therapy, behavioral therapy, and group therapy, may follow suit.

You may be admitted into an inpatient program if the treatment process isn’t yielding the required results. The initial recovery stages may differ from one individual to another.

A Typical Rehab Intake Process

Your recovery process starts from your arrival at the treatment facility. When you first arrive, you’ll be introduced to a certified counselor. You’ll complete an intake interview to give them more information about you. They will ask you questions regarding your addiction history, including how often you use it and the impact on your daily activities. You’ll also be asked if you have a job and are satisfied with your life. It would help if you gave them accurate information to develop the best treatment program for you.

The doctor will evaluate the severity of your condition and recommend the best treatment plan. Once you get checked in, you will be served food and given time to rest in your room. Your specialist will provide you with a daily schedule of the program. As mentioned, treatment usually starts with detoxification. However, group meetings may be your starting point in less acute conditions.

Some items are allowed to be brought in, while others are prohibited. Items that are allowed include; hygiene items, casual clothing, alarm clock, and current prescriptions. Disallowed items are alcohol or drugs, weapons, electronic devices, herbs, mouthwash with alcohol content, and pornography.

Five Tips to Get You Through Your First Day in Addiction Treatment

Undoubtedly, your first day in addiction recovery will be challenging. If you can get through the first day, the entirety of your treatment process will be easier to manage. How do you cope with your first day? Find out below:

Stay Open-Minded

Nobody goes to rehab unless the person is medically unfit. Understand that going to rehab for treatment is a positive step towards healthy living. Therefore, embrace the process and willingness to live well. Be open-minded and receptive to the therapies. Know that you’ll receive adequate support and guidance from the professionals.

Connect with others

Reaching out and building relationships with others in a similar situation as yours will provide a sense of comradeship. It helps you better understand your condition and why going to rehab was a wise decision. One way to connect with others is by engaging in group activities and therapies. It will help alleviate the feelings of loneliness.

Stick to the plan

Deviating from the rehab’s routine will complicate your condition. Follow the schedule provided, attend all therapy sessions, and actively participate in the treatment plan. Sticking to the routine establishes stability and positively impacts your progress.

Be honest

Transparency is paramount to lasting recovery. Be honest with yourself and your staff about your struggles, fears, and objectives. Do you like your current treatment plan or fear it isn’t working? Talk to your therapists. They are there to guide and help you. The more they understand your situation, the better they can create a solution according to your needs.

Practice self-care

Taking care of yourself is important. Focus on exercising, eating healthily, and resting. Engage in activities that relax the body and mind and reduce stress. Self-care will contribute to your overall success.

Cedar Oaks Wellness Center is Here to Help You

Taking the bold step to stay clean is a significant accomplishment. It’s worth it because you’ll live a more fulfilling life afterward. Cedar Oaks Wellness Center can help you recover your life with our tailored treatment plan. We simplify the process of getting through the first day at rehab and help you integrate. Contact us today to learn more about our Cincinnati drug and alcohol rehab center.

Helping Clients Enjoy Sobriety

Several kinds of research have been published regarding addiction recovery. However, a bunch of this information pivots around short-term treatment methods. According to the National Institutes of Health, individuals are likely to relapse from the 90-day treatment method

Recovering from addiction takes a process because achieving long-term sobriety takes commitment and sacrifice. You must receive all the help you need to stay motivated to enjoy a substance-free life. This post will teach you how to enjoy sobriety and elaborate more on staying sober successfully.

Cedar Oaks Wellness Center is a Cincinnati addiction treatment center that can help you on your recovery journey. Contact us today to learn more about our inpatient drug rehab in Ohio.

How to Help Clients Enjoy Recovery

The path to long-term recovery is long, but staying sober for the rest of your life is possible. Enjoying recovery from substance abuse demands complete treatment and lifelong commitment. The process may differ for each person, as individuals’ triggers and stressors vary. Some substance abuse treatment methods are more effective than others. Some are more effective when combined. Your healthcare specialist will recommend the best treatment option for you.

Being aware of the treatment method is one way of achieving lasting sobriety. You also need to know the details of your condition to enjoy recovery; you need to strengthen your knowledge about what you are fighting to establish a foundation for a comprehensive guideline to attain maximum recovery.

Below are treatment methods that can help clients enjoy lasting sobriety:


Counseling has several benefits. One of its benefits is to keep individuals on track. Counseling helps those with SUD focus on their recovery and develop coping skills to manage triggers.

Living in a Controlled Environment

Typical challenge individuals with SUD go through is managing triggers. Oftentimes, their lifestyle can cause these triggers, leading to a relapse. The environment usually influences their lifestyle. To recover from addiction, you must change your lifestyle and living conditions. Joining a sober living environment is a fantastic choice. With established rules on abstinence, you can cope better with addiction triggers.

Support groups

The role of support groups in addiction recovery can’t be overemphasized. Several studies have shown that support groups can help achieve long-term sobriety. A support group usually comprises individuals who have recovered from SUD and others still in the recovery process. It offers hope and motivation and encourages individuals to abstain from substance abuse. A good example of a support group is Alcoholics Anonymous.

Relapse prevention program

Individuals with SUD may slip up. We are all humans, and things happen. Progress isn’t linear, so everyone recovers at their pace. You don’t need to be angry or regretful about relapsing. Contact your healthcare provider immediately to get you back on track. We have relapse prevention programs to help clients get their sobriety back on track.

How Clients Can Maintain Sobriety

Maintaining sobriety depends on your interests and preferences. Here are some tips you should try;

Find new interests

Recovery can be a lifelong process and requires commitment. However, it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do something fulfilling. Indulging in activities that you find fulfilling can take your mind off using. This activity could be painting, drawing, reading, etc. You can also learn a new skill, such as taking a course on languages.

Connect with others

We talked about joining a supportive community. It’s much more convenient to live through sobriety with a support group. Find people in recovery, attend support meetings, and participate in group activities.

Emphasize self-care

Focusing on self-care is crucial to your mental and physical health. Get enough sleep, eat healthily, exercise regularly, and meditate. When you’re mentally and physically sound, maintaining sobriety is possible.

Establish goals

Having a life objective can motivate and give you something to work towards. A goal helps you stay on track. Set a realistic objective for yourself, such as forming a stronger bond with your family and friends or improving your career.

Celebrate milestones

Recovery is a journey, a progress that needs to be celebrated. It’s essential to acknowledge every progress you have made. Set aside time to celebrate your achievement, and use it as a motivation to continue your recovery. Being grateful for your sobriety means you are taking control of your life again.

Give back

Helping others is a potent way to reinforce your sobriety. Find ways to give back to the needy. You can also volunteer in your area.

Cedar Oaks Wellness Center Can Help You Enjoy Sobriety

Addiction recovery is easier with a compassionate healthcare specialist and the support of family and friends. If you or someone you know needs help to stay sober, you can refer them to us.

Cedar Oaks Wellness Center is about helping clients stay sober for the rest of their lives. We help clients understand the importance of sobriety and the need to maintain a positive attitude. Contact us to learn more about our Cincinnati drug and alcohol rehab center today.

What Are the Symptoms of Alcohol Withdrawal?

Despite the societal and ceremonial value placed on alcohol, it is dangerous to human health if consumed in large quantities. Alcohol addiction is one of the world’s leading health issues that has taken people’s lives and happiness. The National Institutes of Health states that more than 1.5 million Americans are treated for alcohol addiction. And alcoholics who stop drinking without seeking medical help experience withdrawal symptoms.

Alcohol withdrawal symptoms (AWS) vary in severity according to the individual. It is essential to seek medical help when you start experiencing these symptoms. This post discusses symptoms of alcohol withdrawal and how to manage them.

Cedar Oaks Wellness is a Cincinnati drug and alcohol rehab center that can help you overcome alcohol abuse. Contact us today to learn more.

What is Alcohol Withdrawal Symptom?

Alcohol withdrawal is a chronic condition that affects people who suddenly stop or decreases alcohol consumption after years of prolonged or regular use. Patients experience these alcohol withdrawal symptoms because the body can’t adjust to the absence or decreased alcohol intake.

In patients with AWS, the central nervous system has become used to the alcohol in the system. It compensates for the depressive effects on brain functions and nerve cell communication. When the alcohol level is decreased, the brain remains hyperactive and demands more alcohol content. It leads to withdrawal syndrome.

Alcohol withdrawal is a potentially serious condition that could become life-threatening. It may develop after a few hours of stopping or last use to a few days. The seriousness and duration of AWS can vary widely according to the person’s age and years of use. Other include; gender, weight, and existing health problems.

Causes of Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms

Alcohol withdrawal symptoms are caused by an alteration in the normal brain and body functioning when a person ceases to stop drinking. The person who was once dependent on alcohol dependence suddenly stops. Because the brain has adapted to alcohol in the body, the individual becomes active when it is no longer present. They begin to develop a series of physical and emotional symptoms afterward. As mentioned, the severity of these symptoms varies.

Some common causes of alcohol withdrawal symptoms are:

  • Sudden cessation of drinking: Ceasing or significantly reducing alcohol intake can cause withdrawal.
  • Prolonged alcohol intake: The longer a person drinks, the more likely they have AWS. Also, frequent intake can increase the risk of having these symptoms.
  • Physical dependence: Binge drinking can cause physical dependence. It means the body has become used to the presence of alcohol and needs it to perform normally. In the absence of alcohol, the person develops withdrawal.
  • Changes in brain chemistry: Alcohol disrupts the brain’s chemicals responsible for bodily functions. Alcohol compensates for these neurotransmitters, so when it is removed, the brain’s chemistry alters, resulting in withdrawal.
  • Genetic factors: Alcoholism runs in some families, although this hasn’t been scientifically proven. Some people may be more susceptible to developing alcohol use disorder and eventually symptoms because of genetic factors.
  • Co-occurring mental health issues: People with co-occurring mental conditions, such as depression, are at risk of developing alcohol withdrawal symptoms.

What Are the Symptoms of Alcohol Withdrawal?

Alcohol withdrawal symptoms vary according to the severity of the person’s addiction and the duration of consumption. Common symptoms of alcohol withdrawal include;

  • Tremors
  • Sweating and clammy skin
  • Nervousness
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Headache
  • Difficulty in sleeping
  • Rapid heart rate
  • Delusions
  • Seizures
  • Irritability
  • Disorientation
  • High blood pressure

If you or someone you know is having alcohol withdrawal symptoms, seeking medical help is the next step to take. A medical professional can provide support and treatment to manage symptoms and prevent complications.

Side Effects of Alcohol Withdrawal

The withdrawal effects of alcohol can be mild or severe. Mild cases include; headache, nausea, vomiting, and sweating. In severe cases, alcohol withdrawal can cause delirium tremens, a condition typified by confusion, fever, and seizures.

The seriousness of these side effects varies depending on the amount of alcohol abuse, the duration of alcohol misuse, and the individual’s health. If you are experiencing alcohol withdrawal symptoms, you should seek professional help as soon as possible.

Treatment and Management of Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms

The good news for individuals with alcohol withdrawal symptoms is that you can treat them. AWS can be severe, but you can manage them effectively with outpatient or inpatient treatment.

Treatment and management methods include;

  • Medications: Medications, such as diazepam and lorazepam, can ease symptoms of depression, irritability, agitation, and insomnia, which are symptoms of AWS.
  • Hydration: Taking plenty of fluids, especially water, and maintaining the right balance of electrolytes in the body can help manage AWS.
  • Nutritional support: Eating a balanced diet that contains lots of fruits and vegetables can help with alcohol withdrawal. Eating supplements like B vitamins, thiamine, and magnesium is recommended to reduce symptoms.
  • Counseling: Counseling can address the psychological part of alcohol withdrawal to aid recovery.
  • Rest: Allowing your body to rest will help it recover.

Inpatient treatment may be appropriate for severe symptoms. It includes medically-assisted detoxification and intensive treatment to manage the symptoms.

Cedar Oaks Wellness Center Treats Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms

Managing withdrawal symptoms without professional help can worsen your condition and increase the risk of relapse. With Cedar Oaks Wellness Center, you can manage withdrawal symptoms through our detox programs and support. Contact our Cincinnati addiction treatment center today to learn more.

What Are the Types of Support Groups For Families of Addicts?

A family is the primary source of nurturing, but substance abuse can alter how members live. Addiction is a grave concern that can affect the whole family of those with addiction. According to Pew Research, an estimated 50% of Americans have a family member who has struggled with drug abuse. Alcohol and drug addiction affects the whole family and even some close friends. While substance and alcohol abuse has different effects on each family, families face general problems, such as financial difficulties, emotional stress, and increased violence. Finding support groups for families of addicts can be vital.

Caring for a family member dealing with addiction can be challenging, painful, and sometimes disarrayed. Even if the person is treated successfully, there’s no guarantee that the family will remain emotionally okay afterward. This is why joining a family of addicts support groups is essential. This post will discuss what they mean, the various types, and how they can help a family cope with their loved one’s addiction.

Cedar Oaks Wellness is a Cincinnati drug and alcohol rehab center that offers comprehensive support for addiction recovery. Contact us today to learn more about our Ohio addiction treatment center.

What Are Support Groups for Addiction?

Support groups for addiction are individuals who have come together to offer support, encouragement, and guidance to addicts. These groups comprise people who have overcome their addiction and those who still struggle to maintain sobriety. Some are led by a psychotherapist or licensed medical staff. Addiction support groups aim to help one another overcome addiction and live a sober life.

Common types of support groups include 12-step programs, non-12-step programs, group therapy, and online/virtual support groups. These support groups can be vital in the recovery process. They offer a sense of community and support members to develop coping skills to maintain sobriety over the long term.

Support groups can help families and friends of those struggling with addiction overcome their emotional struggles and heal any wounds they might have sustained. Family members may go through various emotional responses, such as guilt, anxiety, and anger, to their loved one’s drug addiction. Support groups provide a safe and supportive environment where family members can share their experiences dealing with their loved one’s addiction, process their emotions, and validate these emotional responses.

Types of Support Groups for Families of Addicts

Some common types of support groups available for families of addicts include:

Al-Anon and Nar-Anon

Al-Anon and Nar-Anon are two of the most prominent support groups for families of addicts. Al-Anon is for families of alcoholics. On the other hand, Nar-Anon is for families dealing with drug addicts. Both groups are structured based on the 12-step program.

SMART Recovery Family & Friends

This is another support group for families of those dealing with addiction. The group is founded on the principles of SMART Recovery, a science-based program focused on addiction recovery.

Families Anonymous

Families Anonymous is based on the 12-step program. The group provides support to family members and encourages them to practice self-care.

PAL (Parents of Addicted Loved Ones)

PAL is a faith-based support group mainly for parents of addicts. The group supports, educates, and advises parents with a loved one struggling with addiction.

GRASP (Grief Recovery After a Substance Passing)

GRASP is unlike the rest mentioned here. It’s a delicate support group for families who lost a member or a relative to addiction. GRASP offers a safe place for families to express their grief and shows them support and empathy.

Adult Children of Alcoholics/Dysfunctional Families (ACA/ACDF)

ACA/ACDF is for adult children of alcoholic or dysfunctional families. It supports those who grew up in dysfunctional homes or homes affected by addiction.


Co-Anon is specific in its functions. It caters to families and friends of individuals with cocaine addiction. This group is also founded on the 12-step program.

Dual Recovery Anonymous (DRA)

This support group is more elaborate in its functions. It supports families of individuals dealing with both addiction and mental health issues.

Effects of Addiction on Family

Alcohol and drug addiction have a long-term impact on families. Children and even adults who reside with those who have an addiction are more likely to engage in that behavior, which can affect them socially, physically, and emotionally. When you live with an addict, you may enable their behaviors and become codependent. Codependency is when you value the needs of others more than yours, even at the expense of your well-being. You name excuses for them to continue with their addiction.

Living with someone with substance abuse issues can sometimes overwhelm you with responsibilities and stress. You may also suffer depression in the process due to stress. Other effects it can have on family members include; poor communication, regret, and domestic violence.

How Can a Family Help a Loved One Who Has Addiction?

Addiction can be difficult for families, but you can take specific steps to manage the effects and help your loved ones recover. Here are what you should do:

  • Let your loved one know that you will support them every step of the way.
  • Encourage them never to skip treatment. If possible, accompany them to the sessions if they are undergoing outpatient treatment or partial hospitalization.
  • Communicate with them calmly and respectfully and refuse to enable their addiction.
  • Practice self-care and seek help too. Addiction can be emotionally and physically draining for family members.

At Cedar Oaks Wellness Center, we offer drug addiction support groups for families. We help family members to learn coping skills to manage stress and emotional issues associated with their loved one’s addiction.