5778 State Route 350 Oregonia, OH 45054


How to Set Realistic Expectations For Addiction Recovery

Taking the first step toward recovery is something to be very proud of. However, the process towards recovery from an addiction is not always linear. While it can be rewarding, you need to be committed to it and be willing to stick with the recovery program, even on difficult days.

When you enter into an addiction recovery program, it is essential to set realistic expectations for your recovery. Doing so helps keep you on track and avoid the risk of disappointment or relapse.

Change Your Mindset

Your mindset plays a significant part in your recovery process. You need to be intentional with your goals and expectations. Think them through and try to understand what their purpose is. Some days are going to be easy, and others will not. Try not to take up multiple goals at a time; Instead, work on one goal at a time.

Consult with your therapist or sponsor when you are setting goals. Ask them to help you map them out depending on the order of priority.

Stand Your Ground

When setting your expectations for your addiction recovery, you need to learn to stand your ground. Learn when to say “yes” and when to say “no.”

Prioritize your time and learn to differentiate the things that matter from those that do not. Before you agree to something, think about how it will affect your recovery process. Is it going to be beneficial, or will it jeopardize your progress? Say no to any activity that may be draining or could possibly negatively impact you.

It would also be best to avoid filling your calendar up with too many activities, places to go, and people to see. You need to have sufficient time to focus on your recovery and have a clear direction of what path you are taking.

Be Aware of Your Limits

It is essential to know your limits when setting expectations for your recovery. When it comes to recovery, the quality of the work you put in is more vital than the quantity. As mentioned earlier, do not try to achieve multiple goals at once and also learn to say no. Working on multiple goals at once may be exciting at first, but you will burn out faster. Filling your calendar with activities distracts from focusing on your addiction recovery, which jeopardizes the whole process.

Therefore, it is essential to be aware of your limits. Set realistic goals and dedicate your time and effort to your recovery.

Avoid Distractions

It is often easy to get distracted when you are on your recovery path. You will have days where you may not feel motivated to stay on track. It would be best to call your therapist or sponsor on such days to offer you inspiration and encouragement so you can stay on track.

You may be tempted to resort to using again, but stay motivated. Go out for a walk or a run, partake in an activity you find relaxing or uplifting. Remember that your goal is a healthier life, and think about how much progress you have made in your recovery. Ensure that you also avoid any settings or scenarios that could distract you from the recovery process.

Remember that sobriety is a gradual process when setting your goals. You should also ensure that you are in an environment that supports your recovery and you associate with people who add value to your recovery.

If you or a loved one are suffering from alcohol or drug addiction and are ready to start your journey toward recovery and wellness, we’re here to help. At Cedar Oaks Wellness Center, we believe that our clients should have a say in how they recover from alcohol and drug addiction to meet their specific needs and goals.

To learn more about our treatment programs, fill out an online contact form or call us at (513) 780-5201 today.

Addressing the Underlying Causes of Addiction

For some people, drug or alcohol use may start from experimentation. For others, it may stem from a physical or mental health issue. Addiction is a complex disease and is often made up of many factors.

The mental health experts at Cedar Oaks Wellness Center are here to break down some of the most common factors that contribute to the development of alcohol and drug addiction.

Having Addictive Personality Traits

Just like physical health issues, certain mental health factors will increase the possibility of developing an addiction. One of the major factors associated with drug addiction is personality characteristics. If a person has the following traits, they are at a higher risk than the average person to try addictive drugs:

  • Adventurous
  • Spontaneous
  • High spirited
  • Willing to try anything once

Taking a highly addictive drug, even just one time can give them the ‘high’ that they are looking for. However, this can result in a vicious cycle of drug abuse, addiction, and chemical dependency.

Family History

If there are members in the family who misuse drugs or are addicted, others are more likely to mimic this behavior and develop issues themselves. This is especially true if there are parents or a sibling who are addicted to drugs or alcohol.

Peer Pressure

Peer pressure is another factor that can affect the development of an addiction. If many people in a friend group are using drugs, there is a high possibility that the person will follow suit. If they see their peers doing so, they will want to try it too and could very well get hooked on the drugs they are taking.

Low Self-Esteem

Having a negative self-image can lead an individual to seek solace in abusing drugs and alcohol. Oftentimes, people turn to the effects of alcohol and drugs like cocaine to feel a false sense of confidence in social settings.

Mental Illness

Did you know, according to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 9.5 million American adults experienced both a substance use disorder and a mental illness?

Those with mental illnesses may find themselves more prone to self-medication as a means of coping with their emotional discomfort. Some may resort to drugs and alcohol as a source of relief or to escape their troubles. Psychological problems are difficult to work around and often require professional help to deal with the underlying causes of drug use.

If you or a loved one are suffering from alcohol or drug addiction and are ready to start your journey toward recovery and wellness, we’re here to help. At Cedar Oaks Wellness Center, we believe that our clients should have a say in how they recover from alcohol and drug addiction to meet their specific needs and goals.To learn more about our treatment programs, fill out an online contact form or call us at (513) 780-5201 today.

The Most Common Reasons for Addiction Relapse

One of the most pressing questions someone has when they think about rehab is, “How long will recovery last?” Going through detox and treatment doesn’t necessarily guarantee lifelong sobriety, and the fear of relapsing is enough to keep some people trapped in the throes of addiction.

Whether you struggle with addiction yourself or you’re looking to support a loved one that is, you may find yourself wondering what might tempt someone to return to using after a period of sobriety. We’re here to shed light on some of the most frequently reported feelings and situations that may bring this on.

Lack of Desire

Although your family, significant other and other outside factors can motivate you to get help, the real source of your desire to get sober has to come from within. If you place your entire recovery on pleasing someone, it can quickly fall apart. You must truly want to get sober and know that this is a decision to save your life, not just fulfill someone else’s wishes.

Unrealistic Expectations

Although turning to drugs and alcohol can be a source of shame, it is important to acknowledge that relapse is a common and normal part of the recovery process. The recovery process does not happen in 90 days or even a year. Sobriety is a life-long journey just like mental health and physical wellness. Understanding the difficulties and anticipating the natural highs and lows of treatment can help prevent immediate relapse.

Not Having a Relapse Prevention Plan

Not having a support system or avoiding ongoing therapy can cause old feelings and habits to quickly resurface. It takes consistent planning and strategizing to ensure that you stay sober after detox and rehab. Relapse prevention plans are designed to help people stay on track after their initial program.

Some ways that you can find additional support include:

  • Building a good support system.
  • Having access to secure housing, food, and life essentials.
  • Living in an uplifting and sobriety-centered environment.
  • Continuous to attend support groups and meetings.

Mental Health Issues

Confronting addiction with a co-occurring mental health condition, like depression or anxiety, requires the right treatment. When embarking on addiction treatment, you also need counseling that helps you tackle your mental health symptoms and the unique relationship that they have to your substance abuse.

Seek Treatment for Addiction in Ohio

At Cedar Oaks Wellness Center, we treat addiction like a chronic disease, which requires ongoing management. To help our patients get the most out of their experience, we help them plan ahead so they feel confident in their ability to stay sober and continue getting better after completing their program.

If you or a loved one are suffering from alcohol or drug addiction and are ready to start your journey toward recovery and wellness, we’re here to help. We believe that our clients should have a say in how they recover from alcohol and drug addiction to meet their specific needs and goals.To learn more about our treatment programs, fill out an online contact form or call us at (513) 780-5201 today.

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